The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS
234 Ma Huang a means of improving sexual performance, and also as a legal substitute for MDMA. How well the product lives up to ...
Ma Huang 235 to be dangerous. The two prime drug components of those natural products are ephedrine andcaffeine, and caffeine bo ...
Mandrake Pronunciation:MAN-draik Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:None Formal Names:Mandragora officinarum Informal Na ...
Mandrake 237 strong enough dose converts mandrake into a stimulant that can cause manic behavior, delirium, and hallucinations. ...
238 Mandrake Lust, J.B.The Herb Book. New York: Benedict Lust Publications, 1974. 259–60. Millspaugh, C.F.American Medicinal Pla ...
Marijuana See alsoDronabinol Pronunciation:mair-i-WAHN-uh (also pronounced mah-ri-HWAH-nuh) Chemical Abstracts Service Registry ...
240 Marijuana Golden, Golden Leaf, Gold Star, Gong, Gonj, Good Butt, Good Giggles, Goody- Goody, Goofy Butt, Grass, Grasshopper, ...
Marijuana 241 Type:Hallucinogen.Seepage 25 Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule I (DEA no. 7360) USA Availability:Illegal to posses ...
242 Marijuana Drawbacks.Although calling marijuana a hallucinogen stretches the defi- nition of that type of drug, this book fol ...
Marijuana 243 age have been seen in marijuana smokers but not in tobacco smokers. Mari- juana smokers typically use big puffs an ...
244 Marijuana search finds no evidence that marijuana causes human birth defects. A study examining infants of adolescent mother ...
Marijuana 245 Gruber, A.J., H.G. Pope, and P. Oliva. “Very Long-Term Users of Marijuana in the United States: A Pilot Study.”Sub ...
246 Marijuana logical Reports51 (1982): 203; D. Solomon, ed.,The Marihuana Papers(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1966) (including ...
Mazindol Pronunciation:MA-zin-doll (also pronounced MAYZ-in-dohl) Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:22232-71-9 Formal N ...
248 Mazindol cancer patients. Researchers believe mazindol can aid sufferers from Parkin- son’s disease. A case is reported of t ...
Mazindol 249 Chait, L.D., E.H. Uhlenhuth, and C.E. Johanson. “Reinforcing and Subjective Effects of Several Anorectics in Normal ...
MDA Pronunciation:em-dee-a ̄ Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:4764-17-4 Formal Names:Amphedoxamine, 3,4-Methylenedioxy ...
MDA 251 blood. Although one authority notes that the drug can relax muscles, none- theless tremors and seizures are also possibl ...
MDEA Pronunciation:em-dee-ee-a ̄ Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:82801-81-8 Formal Names:3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphe ...
MDEA 253 doses are unlikely among healthy users, the same dose can have stronger effects on some users than on others. In rat ex ...
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