The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1



Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:57-42-1. (Hydrochloride form 50-

Formal Names:Centralgin, Demer-Idine, Demerol, Dolantin, Dolosal, Mepergan,
Pethidine, Pethoid

Informal Names:Demmies

Type:Depressant (opioid class).Seepage 24

Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule II (DEA no. 9230)

USA Availability:Prescription

Pregnancy Category:B

Uses.This drug has been used since the 1930s for easing pain in many
conditions, including migraine headaches, surgery, gallbladder attack, sickle
cell anemia crisis, childbirth, and emergency treatment of injury on moun-
taineering expeditions. The drug is also used to manage porphyria, a body
chemistry disorder that can make a person extremely sensitive to light and
that can include violent outbursts. The substance is used to bring persons out
of aPCPpsychosis. Experimental usage of meperidine anddextroampheta-
minetogether has reduced symptoms of mental depression, but the test was
too brief to measure how long benefits might continue. Oral meperidine dos-
age can partly numb a person’s mucous membranes, and the drug is used as
one element of general and local anesthesia. The substance has a calming
action but is not considered to be a sleep inducer at medical dosage levels.
Upon prolonged usage the calming action can be replaced by depression and
uneasiness. Depending on specifics of use,morphineis 6 to 10 times stronger
than meperidine.
Drawbacks.Meperidine can reduce blood pressure and can make a person
feel faint upon suddenly standing up. Itching, perspiration, muscle tremors,
nausea, and vomiting are other unwanted effects. Although constipation is a
classic unwanted action of opiates/opioids, meperidine may produce less than
morphine does. Meperidine can cause cardiac and breathing difficulty and has
been known to cause seizures, delirium, and hallucinations. The drug may
promote convulsions in persons who are already susceptible to such affliction.
Some tests show the drug to have slight influence on eye-hand coordination
and no effect on other voluntary physical movement. Tests oriented specifi-

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