The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1
Methandriol 281

noted that genetic females can have outward male appearance after fetal ex-
posure. The drug may interfere with milk production.
Additional scientific information may be found in:

Rendina, G.M., and D. Patrono. “The Use of a Biological Preparation in the Treatment
of Some Gynaecological Diseases.”Current Medical Research and Opinion4 (1976):
Rogozkin, V. “Metabolic Effects of Anabolic Steroid on Skeletal Muscle.”Medicine and
Science in Sports11 (1979): 160–63.
Turner, J.E., and C.H. Irvine. “Effect of Prolonged Administration of Anabolic and
Androgenic Steroids on Reproductive Function in the Mare.”Journal of Repro-
duction and Fertility, no. 1 (1982, Suppl.): 213–18.

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