
(nextflipdebug5) #1

connecting principle. Synchronicity, the intimate dance between Self and All, lies
under all our reactivity to our perceived demons.
We have been trained in the black and white doctrine of either “sickness or
health.” Transmutation however teaches us the need to actually “die” in order to
“transform.” There is such Grace in the Die-offs if only we don’t interpret them as
being a problem. This secondary layer of assuming the Die-off is “ wrong” is the
main cause of our inertia to transmutation. If we take off the brakes and consciously
and piously surrender to a Die-off, then there is less chance of emotional, mental
and physical damage. With knowledge of the process we can proceed with less
friction and hell into the illuminated life. If the Die-off is supported and allowed
to run its full course then resurrection is able to proceed smoothly. If we resist the
Die-off, we interfere with the next stage of metamorphic growth and development
and cling to obsolete patterning.
A Die-off may feel like a depression because the cerebral cortex is not in normal
operating mode and the energies and functions of the body are drawn away from
egoic operation. Some people misinterpret the Die-off as depression, and this does
this holy event great injustice and people will start medicating and resisting the
Dark Night (Die-off ) rather than honoring and assisting it. Also the depression
of the existentialists is a malaise of the ego, not the actual ego-death associated
with a Die-off. Some people because the way their neurochemistry is primed will
always flip into a depression after the electrical initiation of the influx. This is
unfortunate...but we tend to make people this way with our unnatural diet and
removal from the strength of natures vital forces.
Compounded onto the primary incapacitation of the bodymind during a Die-
off, there might be a secondary depression or emotional sense of “dark night”
which comes about through a lack of understanding and acceptance of the Die-
off process. The ego essentially gets a “shock” over its loss of faculty, tenacity and
control. And considering the fragile nature of our modern bodies, this secondary
depression could last for an extended period due to our lack of understanding and
mistrust of metamorphosis.
If there is fear, ignorance, a severe reaction or psychotic reasoning around a
Die-off, there maybe an extended depression involved, which is in a way the ego
self trying to maintain the “smallness” of the id and prevent the limitless “space”
involved in stepping out of the cocoon. It’s not a conscious decision to remain small,
it is just the rigidity and inertia of the unconscious that is entrenched in familiarity
and habit. Part of the resistance to growth is due to the lack of loving-telepathic
peer relationship that allows us to transmute naturally as nature intended in a
supportive environment. When society knows about the catabolic Die-off and can
appreciate it as necessary to growth, then it will be respected and revered and this
secondary fallout won’t happen as much. It will be known to be a simple metabolic
process of the morphing individual, with little story and meaning attached to it,
other than we cannot grow one inch without it. A die-off will thus be interpreted
and treated as a holy event and put us in touch with the Mystery.

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