
(nextflipdebug5) #1

eVolUton is not an illness
Personally I think there is grave danger in treating the symptoms of kundalini
arousal with psychiatric drugs and other forms of suppression such as stodgy
food. Since the metamorphic symptoms represent a dismantling, purification
and strengthening at work, it is these functions that should be supported and
encouraged. Thus our intent must be to go-into and work-with the process, rather
than fight it in the effort to remain bound to the pupal bodymind. Understanding
the psycho-biology of the transformation is vital to navigating the storms of this
greatest of upheavals.
Kundalini is the raising of the energy of the body in an alchemical process
of spiritual emergence of the higher self. The medical world do not yet know
what they are dealing with in kundalini. They do not know that a hyperactivated
sympathetic is going to eventually flip into a hyperactivated parasympathetic...and
that we need soothing reassuring conditions not drugs. Allopathic medicine is not
scientific—for if they were truly scientific they wouldn’t be giving magic bullet
cures to complex degenerative conditions associated with our human abusage of
the earth and the life principle. The cycles must be left alone to take us through
our heights and depths. If we get tranquilized during an up-phase then it will just
flatten the energy extremes and dull the mind, so we will not get any benefit from
the alchemy, but instead will be spiritually impaired instead. Kundalini can take
us to the limits of our energetic and emotional endurance...this is as it supposed to
be. If tranquilizers are used instead of allowing the energy to do its cleansing and
restructuring then chances are we will just go into an extended depression instead
of a spiritual awakening. The same goes for antidepressants and anesthetics as
well...however there might be the occasion where these things might be necessary
in an emergency.
The medical world also need to be familiar with the Water Cure doctor Dr
Batmanghelidj’s understanding of hydration and blood pressure; along with the
understanding that the high blood pressure of sympathetic activation does not
need to be medicated, nor does the low blood pressure when things shift over to
parasympathetic dominance. Medically messing around with current symptoms
without considering the cyclic nature of kundalini will simply abort any growth
potential inherent in the metamorphic process. Imagine trying to stop a chrysalis
from dissolving because you are ignorant of the butterfly about to be created...
that is what medical meddling is. We must understand the hyperbolic nature of
kundalini and support all phases in the fullness of their process rather than trying
to counteract each extreme to bring it back to normal physiology and so prevent
the butterfly from forming altogether.
Digestion takes the most amount of energy of any activity. The reason we overeat
is because we have not “planned” our life and directed our energy toward achievable
goals. Thus we “eat our energy” rather than send it forth in self development and
achievement. If we are not moving forward, we tend to hold ourselves back! There
is a much better way of working with the symptoms than snuffing them out by
diverting energy to digestion. Since the difficult symptoms we experience are

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