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Mathematics of Awakening

  1. caUsation: First there is prenatal and birth experience and development,
    which forms the original archetypal karmic template.

  2. reGUlaton: Second there is orbitofrontal connection to the limbic
    system built through affect-regulation (bonding) with the primary caregiver.

  3. aDaPtation: (Family) Then there is years of socio-emotional
    development built in direct response and adaptation to the Causation and
    Regulation stages.

  4. inDiViDUation: Differential in growth promotes a psychosomatic
    tension between the old patterning and the new, which is felt as yearning
    and seeking.

  5. QUest: This tension forces the individual to go on a (Hero’s) spiritual
    journey to find the limbic Attractors that trigger dissolution/reconstruction
    in order to resolve the tension.

  6. PertUrBation: Then there has to be a disinhibition or letting go of
    the general adaptation patterns. The psychic tension itself can trigger this
    penetration of repressive mechanisms. Other triggers include—romantic
    love, proximity to or shaktipat from a Guru, drugs, acute shock, spiritual

  7. aWaKeninG: A flowering of consequences occurs in a massive cataclysmic
    release of the tension stored in the growth differential, as the Universe Being
    emerges from the conditioned cocoon.

  8. DissolUtion: Followed by dissolution of former structures and
    patterns—meltdown, collapse, crisis, Dark Nights, Die-offs. The various
    kinds of dark night have their own specific chemistry that is in perfect
    correspondence to the up-cycle chemistry.

  9. reFormation: New contemporary networks are built and substantiated
    with use, showing greater phylogenic and ontogenic integration between the
    parts. With the restructuring of the primary matrix the tension of energy
    differential disappears leading to non-seeking and equanimity.

  10. realiZation: Transcendence of inner outer animalistic and worldly
    pulls and pushes means that energy and consciousness is available for higher
    dharmic persuits. The genius of the individual and their artistry of life
    comes to the fore and is manifest.

Having died to our former nature through the initiation unity, or the Rite of
the Center...there is a reanimation of the senses and a cleansing of perception. The
vasanas or woeful memories of the collective unconscious are burnt off in purifying
fires of kundalini. Freeing us from the emotional pain of Karmas, thereby allowing
a Kosmic lucidity or transcendental perception. This scintillating transcendental

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