
(nextflipdebug5) #1

perception is simply the true state of our Being that we are collectively blocking
with our separation and ignore-ance.
Spirit moving through its symbolic and material accumulations lives out a
dramatic journey as an expression of the layers, strengths and weaknesses within
us. The interrelationship of the aspects of ourselves, in our environment and
in concert with cosmic unfolding, constitutes a kind of spiritual mathematics.
Mathematics: the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures
and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. The Mathematics
of awakening is the hero’s journey.
How forcefully one pops depends on how far the prenatal and birth experience
was “resolved” through the following affect regulation (primary bonding), and the
degree of growth differential (contained as stored tension). If both CAUSATION
AND REGULATON phases are traumatizing, then the lack of orbitofrontal-
limbic control will bring on an earlier awakening of a more catastrophic nature. If
birth was difficult yet the REGULATION phase was satisfied, then the awakening
will be later in life, but maybe equally catastrophic because the original trauma was
more “hidden” by completed prefrontal-limbic regulation. Such a person, because
they are well socio-emotionally adjusted may not be aware of the cataclysmic
energies held within the somatic memory of the birth trauma. So that when it is
unleashed it is a complete surprise and the well formed ego is blown to smithereens
by the emergent birthing throws of the infant within.
The thing with fetal life and birth is that it is pre-meaning. From the perspective
of the subject being born, no amount of cognitive understanding will reconcile
such an extreme experience...that is moving from an aquatic being into an air
breathing being through a very tight passage, with a very real danger of dying.
Nature herself makes anesthetizing chemicals to protect the mother and child
during such an prerational ordeal. But if anesthetics (ether, morphine) are taken,
both mother and child are prevented from expressing their “protest” and so this
irrational screaming protest is held within the tissues for the rest of their lives. If
that protest response emerges later in life then everything that person has built
themselves to be is undone through temporary regressive chemistry, in order that
the protest response be liberated AS the state and form in which the trauma was
registered. Thus it is necessary for all filters and repressions to be suspended so that
the aquatic-infant can express its outrage. A natural protest response withheld in a
mother is likely to turn into chronic postpartum depression.
In his book The Hero With A Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell called the hero’s
journey a “monomyth,” suggesting the ubiquitous nature of the overall pattern
of the alchemical path of transformation. The fundamental structure of this
monomyth involves inevitable states and reoccurring themes that correspond to
the death-rebirth process of becoming a shaman.

  1. The Call—The herald to challenge and adventure.

  2. The Test—Encountering dangers and trials, passing through thresholds.

  3. Redemption—The hero must sacrifice his ego to achieve the higher goal

  4. The Return—Back to the ordinary world, bridging the divine and human.

  5. Resolution—The hero bestows his hard won boon to improve the world.

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