
(nextflipdebug5) #1

mitochondrial failure is the mitochondrial permeability transition, which both
uncouples oxidative phosphorylation and accelerates ATP hydrolysis. Interventions
that block this pH-dependent phenomenon protect against onset of cell death.” The
Mitochondrial Permeability Transition in Toxic, Hypoxic and Reperfusion Injury,
John J. Lemasters et al.

no anD tHe inner-conJUnction

My present understanding of the metabolization of spiritual alchemy is that we
both have to feed the nitric oxide pathways, and preserve the organism from the
consequent free radical storm that it creates; note that a lot of the guru types die of
cancer. Thus it is highly amusing that for our ongoing evolution we need to take
both aphrodisiacs and antioxidants. So the ironies of ironies is that the ultimate
YES is fueled by NO! Logically we should aim for a longer duration burn with less
downtime (burnout) by supporting and protecting.
In looking for the mechanism of the Inner-conjunction I knew it was probably
connected with the ionization of the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), calcium ions and
nitric oxide (NO). What I found pretty much convinced me that I had discovered
the key to the Inner-conjunction and explained many of the more extreme
symptoms of the hyper-aroused peak. The hyper-activation of the CNS during
the height of an awakening would increase the calcium ion (Ca2+) content of the
CSF. This in turn leads to the liberation of NO, otherwise known as endothelium-
derived relaxing factor (EDRF), which then could defuse into the central channel of
the spinal column, since it is the most permeating substance in the body.
The high concentration of NO in the spinal channel during the Inner-
conjunction would explain the complete loss of ego and self-sense, the loss of
motor control (paralysis), the loss of time-sense and the appearance of Witness
consciousness coupled with the experience of Emptiness or Infinity. So we have
an ultimate condition that constitutes the total cessation of the mind (daily
consensus-rational consciousness)—that is a transcendence of the mind under
circumstances of amplified consciousness, not a descent into unconsciousness
through anaesthetization of the Mind.
Since NO is a vasodilator and smooth muscle relaxor, this explains the radical
relaxation of the autonomic neuromuscular system during these peak “up” phases;
this we experience as extreme bliss and love. It also explains the tremendous
heart expansions and the sensations of gravity warping. Other vasodilators that
maybe implicated in this process of somatic “opening” and heart expansion
are acetylcholine and vasopressin. NOS neurons occur in the myenteric plexus
that feeds the muscles of the intestinal wall and throughout the gastrointestinal
pathway thus NO was found to be a neurotransmitter governing peristalsis.
During certain phases of kundalini activity NO dominant chemistry could also
explain the digestive dysfunction that occurs when the blissful kundalini is directly
activating the nerves of the GI tract.
The extra nitric oxide produced during an Inner-conjunction is probably
why men get erections at this time. And for women, the increased NO and

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