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entire hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis...considering that NO metabolism
occurs in all these three areas.
When luteinizing hormone (LH) levels are increased, the natural production of
testosterone also increases, as does the sex drive. Opioid neurons are an important
inhibitory brake that restrains the secretion of LH. NO is a mediator of glutamate
effects in the hypothalamus, meaning that opioid inhibition is mediated on
glutamate neurons that are upstream of NO neurons. What this means is that there
is an opioid-glutamate-nitric oxide connection in the regulation of testosterone
and sex drive. There is also some indication that nitric oxide may also function as
a sex-enhancing neurotransmitter. Viagra (sildenafil citrate) reduces impotency by
enhancing the effects of the neurotransmitter nitric oxide (NO), and maintaining
higher levels of the enzyme cGMP, the two key factors in penile erection. Viagra
does this by selectively inhibiting the enzymes that destroy cGMP, leading to
elevated cGMP levels.
It stands to reason that kundalini is centered in sex chemistry, but I didn’t know
how far until I cottoned onto Nitric Oxide. Close encounters of the sexual kind
can kick off a full blown awakening even without actual sex or relationship; thus I
suspect that taking a supplemental sexual empowerment protocol will kick off an
awakening in of itself. It might add to the intensity if one was ready to pop, but
perhaps would not generate metamorphosis of its own accord. It also reveals why
sex and spirituality so often mix in the Guru-student relationship.
Until we are able to distinquish the ecstastic bliss of metamorphosis as being
“prior to” sexuality, but moving through the sexual system, we may tend to take
our supra-exual impulses literally. Since these kundalini backed drives are vastly
more intense than in “normal” mode, they pack more of a commanding authority.
This amplified bioenergy affects those we are attracted to more so than usual,
making it all the more complicated. For this reason, along with a highened sense
of morality and destiny, many kundalini actives find it easier not to bother with
sexual relations. Unless of course they can find a relationship in which higher
degrees of consciousness can be freely expressed

Nutritional Influences on Nitric Oxide and Hormone Metabolism by Douglas C.
Hall, M.D.

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