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for distraction, substitute gratifications, placebos, rewards, compulsions and
addictions—if the person has the discipline or passion to fulfill a spiritual vocation
and larger life plan. That which is in us and we don’t bring forth, will kill us. That
is Eros not given full reign turns to Thanatos. Serving the world comes through the
simple act of Being, at that level. Basically we fill up and supplant our deprivation
state with Essence. They say about the Christ-Fire, or the energy up the Sushumna,
that all sin (deprivation) is burned clean and absolved in the Christ-Fire. This is
directly pointing to the tendency of kundalini to burn through the pain-body
and change the amygdala and other parts of the limbic and emotional response
system helping us to transcend our wiring that was built in response to “this cruel
The Crystal Palace is the “upper alchemical vessel” in which the conjuncto, or
union of the opposites takes place. In Taoism these areas or cauldrons in which the
elixir is cultivated are called Tan Tiens or Medicine Fields. The solar plexus is the
Middle Tan Tien and below the belly button is the Lower Tan Tien. In the fetus
the neural crest splits in two and one half develops into the central nervous system,
while the other becomes the Enteric nervous system or “stomach brain.” In the
Eastern world internal alchemy was developed to educate this stomach brain to
produce the Elixir and resonate in perfect harmony with the head brain.
In the mystic tradition of inner alchemy the philosopher’s stone is said to
be a magical diamond, “the jewel of the mind” that is the universal medicine or
panacea for all ills. It is said to have the power to transmute poison into medicine.
This refers to the Mirror-like Wisdom of clear-nondual-consciousness to remain
unaffected by that which is harmful and its ability to turn the dark and difficult
into that which is beneficial to life. By virtue of Lapis Exilis, a fabulous precious
stone, the Phoenix is burned to ashes, and regains her youth through rebirth. To
alchemize the good life.
VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Ocultem Lapidem is
latin for “visit the interior parts of the earth, by rectification thou shalt find the
hidden stone.” This could mean the stone represents the divine spark arising from
zeropoint which gives life to matter and it could also refer to the traditional practice
of undergoing die-offs and rectification in caves. The Philosophers Stone—the
Lapis Exilis or Hidden Stone represents the divine spark which gives life to matter
and it is through this divine spark that the spiritual alchemist turns the Prima
Materia of trauma, negative energies and negative karmic mass (energy blockages)
into spiritual gold. Through the ecstasy produced by Amrita the alchemical fires
are fed, burning away the dross and leaving the spiritualized bodymind.
Western Alchemists, through the hierosgamos or sacred marriage hoped to
produce lapis philosophorum by which the aspirant achieved “Know Thyself ”
status. The Philosopher’s stone promotes utopian qualities, cures all ills, ensures
immortality, bestows wisdom, resolves all conflict and establishes peace, harmony
and equanimity. In psychological terms this represents the union of the conscious
self with the unconscious (sub/trans) in forging the Self or the realized Whole
Human. The initiate learnt from within to know all that is heaven and earth.
That is they discovered “what” rather than “who” they are. The sacred marriage

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