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or mysterium coniunctionis, is none other than the play of yin and yang
represented in the Tao. The goal of the Great Opus of both East and West was the
integration of the Whole Human with the unus mundus or ”the world in which
all is one”...the Eternal Ground of Being. Such merger of the personal will with
the transpersonal or Universal Will meant the embodiment of the impulses of
Spirit in one’s daily life...that is Divine Illumination. To this end the caelum, lapis,
ambrosia or amrita, which connotes the sublimated quintessence extracted from
the body, the unconscious and the world, was achieved through various alchemical
operations (eg: mortification, coagulatio, sublimatio, coniuncto).
the elixir of life was manufactured to the greatest degree in the Crystal
Palace...and the “product” of this process of crystallization of primal Spirit through
the circulation and lasering of the Light was referred to as the Golden Flower, or
the Golden Ball. But after this generation at the third eye the Divine Influx must
then be drawn down into the lower abdomen (lower tan tien) if the “fruit” of the
Golden Flower is to be made. If the Golden Flower is not thus brought down
into the abdomen, then a true integration of the Self with the unus mundus is
forfeited along with the synchronicity, self-reliance and affirmative action needed
for constructive change. That is the individual is still a “Wounded King” rather
than a Universal King.
Only when the Elixir Pearl forms in the crystal palace can the “holy embryo”
then be formed in the belly. The final stage is Samadhi or satori, that is the union
with the unus mundus. Where the embryo that was formed in the lower Tan T’ien
now emerges through the crown of the head and leaps into the “great emptiness.”
“The final stages require the practitioner to help the primal spirit emerge from the fetus
and leap into the “great emptiness” through the heavenly gate at the top of the head (the
sahasrara chakra).” 151, Walter Odajnyk, Gathering the Light.
The book Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy: Transforming Your Body, Mind, and
Spirit by Eric Steven Yudelove must be one of the very best available descriptions
of cultivating energy and the Elixir. Strangely this book with its emphasis on the
practice of Bone marrow Breathing is tied into histamine and water regulation
and the immune system. If there were two books I would recommend for anyone
actually undergoing a full kundalini awakening it would be this Taoist energy
practice book by Yudelove and F. Batmanghelidjs’ book Your Body’s Many Cries
For Water.
In Yoga and Ayurveda Dr. David Frawley says that the Vedic Hindus referred to
“soma” as the healing pranic essence of various plants. The soma plants were first
crushed then mixed or cooked with milk, ghee, honey, yogurt, barley or sugarcane
juice. These preparations were sometimes mixed with metals like gold. “Soma”
in a sense was used to quicken “Prana.” Soma, the elixir that was said to be the
earthly precursor to Amrita or the Elixir of the Gods was made from the bitter
Milk Weed, according to Julius Evola in The Yoga of Power. The reputed origin of
the famous soma is asclepias acida not the common milkweed, Asclepia aecidum.
This drink provided the intoxication necessary to enter a luminal state to pass
through the threshold to higher states of consciousness. Granted that there was
a preparatory cleansing and the drink was taken as a sacrament in ritual setting.

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