
(nextflipdebug5) #1

I assume that fasting coupled with supplementation for receptor repair will
help reverse the internalization (endocytosis) of receptors, that is receptors that
have retreated into the cell membrane and become non-operational. To regrow
the dendrites of nerves in atrophied areas of the brain we will also need nutritional,
behavioral and social attention in order to regenerate nerves and brain areas to
full capacity. Satisfying social interaction and especially intimacy, positive genuine
communion of spirit may also be essential to pulling an individual out of inner/
outer desensitization (dissociation) and back into engagement with the world.
Since digestion itself can take up to 23% of our energy and generates toxins and
free radicals, it makes sense to stop eating during certain periods of profound healing
to provide energy and conditions for deep detoxification. With detoxification
space and resources are made available for metamorphic transformation of
tissues (transmogrification). Fasting may also be necessary to give the digestive
system a break in order to heal. I myself got irritable bowel syndrome one year
into my awakening and I never did anything about it until 5 years later when the
pain had become so bad I decided enough was enough and I needed to fast in order
to heal.
If you have the irritable bowel/candida complex and have even a mild sugar
addiction (be it fruit or any other sugar/carbo), you might find that using the Master
Cleanser on your fast makes you feel raw, edgy and interferes with intelligence.
Even just one tablespoon of maple syrup/day in the Master Cleanser will create
problems because it is a refined sugar and people with sugar addiction and irritable
bowel are likely to be glucose intolerant. If you want to use the Master Cleanser
then just use a fresh squeezed orange instead of lemon and this will provide enough
sugar to leave the maple syrup out.
Fasting is very important, for discovering how we have built ourselves and
why; nothing brings us faster to the basement of our psyche than fasting and
the skins of the onion peel away. Fasting brings us rapidly to the heart of our
psychological issues especially regarding abandonment vs. nurturing and the
degree to which we love ourselves and have been loved. The ultimate book that
covers these fundamental food issues in association with fasting is The Fasting
Path by Stephen Harrod Buhner. “Deep fasting puts the body into a state that is
normally only experienced during sleep, one in which the liver and other detoxification
systems can focus exclusively on detoxification, repair, and regeneration.” 66, Stephen
Harrod Buhner
Necrosis and detoxification is an essential part of growth and the main thing
we have to purge is relationships, plus ideas and behaviors that we have picked up
from others. Thus time in the metaphorical desert is essential. How can we be our
Self if everyone is still telling us who we are? During the “germinating” time of
Spirit we must care for our psychological space as though we were pregnant with a
new life—for that is indeed the case.
Be wary of consuming too much of seemingly healthy fruits like Wolf Berries
(Goji or Lycium), for these are pretty high in sugar, and the more high glycemic
foods you eat the more muscle and nerve pain you will feel. Also because many
of us have candida and disrupted intestinal flora, the toxins produced by these

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