
(nextflipdebug5) #1

itzhak Bentov is probably partly correct when he says that the syncopation
of the various oscillating systems in the body amplify energies and increase the
ionization of the cerebrospinal fluid, conveying a current/charge—known as
kundalini. Itzhak Bentov’s idea is that kundalini occurs through the micromotion
of the body. This model postulates that various body structures can potentially
oscillate in sympathetic resonance with each other leading to the production of
increased magnetic currents in the cerebral cortex. Bentov correlates this enhanced
electromagnetic action in the cortex with kundalini release. Bentov looks at the
body like a mechanical machine so his physics is surpassed by modern biophysics.
Nowadays we are more apt to look to quantum microtubules, neuron receptors and
neurochemistry for the cause, but the larger electromagnetic and resonant aspects
also come into play. The HeartMath Institute has done more recent research on
the oscillating frequencies of the heart and nervous system:
Giving birth and other stressful conditions in which will is overcome often
lead to a kundalini experience. The potent neurological and hormonal mix that is
pumped into the body during birthing activates kundalini. There is an increase in
oxytocin to create the contractions...both sides of the nervous system are activated...
release of mega opiates...DMT release...pressure of the baby in the pelvis...muscles
are charged by exertion...extra breathing increases blood oxygen...CSF ionized
by heightened condition of parasympathetic & sympathetic nervous systems...
liver releases glucose for exertion---all these and more is why kundalini sparks up
during birthing. Christina Grof mentioned that kundalini that had arisen during
the birthing of her child was stopped by an injection of morphine.
During the initiation stage of a full-on awakening we can assume that both
the thyroid and the parathyroid glands are hyperactive. It’s interesting to note
that hyperparathyroidism increases the ionized calcium in the cerebrospinal fluid
causing psychotic symptoms. The parathyroid governs the extra-cellular calcium
levels. It could be a unique combination of oxygen intake, hormonal levels and
activation of the sympathetic nervous system that creates the initial spark of
kundalini up the spine.
Sudden stress or the relief of prolonged stress can bring on a kundalini
awakening. Whether it is the stress of recognition of the Self though contact with
a Guru or through finding a “true love.” “When the senses are heightened because
of stress, novelty, or fear, it’s much easier to become a mystic or feel ecstasy or fall
in love. Danger makes one receptive to romance. Danger is an aphrodisiac.” P.166,
Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of Love. Stress, even the stress of new growth,
might be essential to trigger hypertonality of the sympathetic nervous system,
allowing kundalini to spark off. Post traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD) can
also be a preparatory factor to kundalini triggering. Because PTSD represents an
accumulation of the “suspension of the arousal cycle.” The pressure of the frozen
fight-or-flight response caught in the nervous system creates an inefficiency, which
the organism tries to eliminate through the complete discharge of the energy
in a kundalini awakening. Thereby allowing the nervous system to heal, grow
and mature.

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