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drugs, birth control pills, high perspiration, low thyroid, diabetes, diuretics,
chronic pain, a high carbohydrate diet, a high calcium diet.
Ideally supplementation should be in Ionic Liquid Magnesium form, for
water-borne magnesium is more readily absorbed by the gut than is food-borne
magnesium. Magnesium supplements that are not water soluble or available in
ionic form it will literally pass through the digestive track. Ionic Liquid Magnesium
can be made by dissolving in water any soluble magnesium salt such as Magnesium
citrate (10% Mg), Magnesium glycinate (15% Mg), or Magnesium malate (15%
Mg). Even prolonged soaking in Epsom salts increases blood magnesium. If you
have painfully tight neck and shoulders, make up a concentrated foot bath of
Epsom salts in a container with a lid and soak your feet for 5 minutes a day. Two
teaspoons of NOW 2:1 Cal/Mag powder provides 100% RDA of magnesium.
You can put say ½ teaspoon Cal/Mag into your Superfood smoothie. Calcium can
cause constipation, so it is necessary to take magnesium along with it. Too much
magnesium may make it difficult for the body to absorb calcium. A quarter to a
half a teaspoon of Magnesium citrate prior to bed with glass of water, is a way of
getting magnesium while avoiding constipation.
Magnesium ions (Mg2+) are absorbed 30-40% through the intestines, and
the rest of the ions remain in the colon causing water to be drawn into the colon,
softening of the stool. This osmotically mediated water retention subsequently
stimulates gastrointestinal motility (peristalsis). In addition, magnesium ions may
also stimulate the activity of nitric oxide (NO) synthase, which promotes colonic
secretion. Furthermore, Mg2+ ions somehow cause the release of CCK, which
causes intraluminal accumulation of water, electrolytes and intestinal motility. If
the colon is doing its work well, it means that detoxification at the cellular level
can also be expedited, thus the importance of magnesium in regulating the “flows”
of the cells and body-total. To rectify the aging and disease process we need to
increase the integrity of our cell membranes and receptors, and reverse magnesium
deficiency and overcome cellular dehydration. Thus we need fish oil and other fat-
soluble antioxidants to build and preserve cell membranes.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an organic sulfur compound which softens
cell walls so it may help reverse the effects of membrane hardening due to oxidation.
It makes the walls of individual cells more “permeable.” This means that the cells
can more easily get rid of toxins, and the cell can also absorb nutrients more easily.
This characteristic of “increasing permeability” of cells explains its ability to relieve
pain. Inflammation of joints is often also caused by toxic accumulation—MSM
is a powerful detoxifier. The amino acid creatine increases the water retention of
the cells. We can add small amount of MSM and Magnesium citrate along with
the Himalayan Salt to our drinking water. Also we must adopt a magnesium rich
“raw” diet, because magnesium is generally lost in cooking.
The main thing to remember is that green vegetables are good sources of
magnesium because the center of the chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium.
Half a cup of spinach is 80 milligrams of Mg. Other magnesium foods include
almonds, brazil nuts, wheatgerm, wheat bran, seeds, millet, seafood, fruit (especially

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