
(nextflipdebug5) #1

requires energy, histamine also liberates energy for this function. The conversion
of the energy fuel ATP to its spent cAMP produces both energy and Ca2+ release.
Dehydration increases acidity and oxidation reducing receptor sensitivity, cell
membrane permeability, and the generation of ATP in mitochondria.
Magnesium is called the “anti-stress mineral” as it aids in calming nerves,
relieving tension and relaxing muscles. Cortisol production makes you put
on visceral fat and magnesium lowers cortisol levels—thus it can contribute to
reduced silent inflammation. Magnesium also helps your body convert fatty acids
into the anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. A new study showed that adults who
consume less than the recommended amount of magnesium are almost twice as
likely to have chronic inflammation. Inflammation plays a role in the development
of atherosclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and the aging process in general.
Daily oral magnesium therapy can prevent subsequent heart attacks and improve
quality of life in people with stable coronary artery disease. In an article at Bill
Sardi’s website The Mineral That Could Have Saved 4 Million Women, he says
that Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) is remarkably effective at reducing the risk
of life-threatening seizures (eclampsia) due to the high blood pressure associated
with pregnancy. This is very important to know for kundalini actives whom may
go through intense periods of hypertension, seizure, convulsion, insomnia, muscle
spasms and irregular heartbeat. Also if you are ingesting tree resins or tree bark you
may need to increase your magnesium and water intake to avoid increased blood
pressure, heart palpitations and hypertension-insomnia.
Magnesium is effective at lowering high blood pressure. People with
hypertension or non-insulin dependent diabetes have higher levels of intracellular
calcium and lower levels of intracellular magnesium. Excess calcium in the cells
and depleted magnesium is associated with insulin resistance, resulting in obesity,
diabetes, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and aging. Low magnesium can result in
opening of calcium channels, increased intracellular calcium, glutamate release.
Asthma, headaches, migraines, seizures, depression, fibromyalgia, anxiety, ADD,
arthritis and kidney stones get worse when insufficient magnesium is consumed.
Higher intake of magnesium appears to improve glucose and insulin homeostasis.
Magnesium has been found to improve insulin’s response to dietary sugar and
improve the action of insulin in regulating blood sugar levels.
Magnesium supplementation during kundalini awakenings is imperative due
to the long periods of HPA-axis hyperactivation and increased utilization of fat
stores. Ketosis is the toxic waste products from fat mobilization, which raises
blood acidity and causes the body to lose vital alkaline minerals such as potassium,
calcium and magnesium. Plus magnesium will help deal with the ammonia
from the breakdown of protein during catabolysis, because Magnesium activates
glutamine synthetase, a key enzyme that helps cells dispose of ammonia.
Excesses of nutrients that interfere with the absorption or increase the excretion
of magnesium-such as fat, phosphate, sugar, and vitamin D-can contribute to long-
lasting relative magnesium deficiency. magnesium Depletors include: coffee,
sugar, mental stress, alcohol, sodas, fluoride, high sodium diet, tobacco, medical

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