
(nextflipdebug5) #1

transformative spiritual ideologies (rather than conservative non-transformative
mythic religious ideas). Our bodies are making a valiant effort to throw off former
trauma wiring in order to give us survival advantage in a rapidly changing world.
Also individuation is such nowadays that we can break away from rigid-stagnant
community/family in order to get the type of philosophical stimulation and sexual
romantic opportunities which throw us into this second puberty and the thorough
rebuilding of our body, mind, soul and emotions. We essentially have to undergo
these rebirths in this day and age, because the way we were formed by our parents
is so antiquated that the wiring in our primary matrix is holding us back in patterns
which we and culture that we have long outgrown. Our faster philosophic and
psychological development of the prefrontal lobes essentially triggers this cathartic
transformation so that enough change can happen in the old wiring to bring our
whole being up to contemporary operational mode. Whereas in the past such in-
depth change did not need to occur in the lifetime of the individual because the
pace of change was so slow back then. The faster the pace of change the more
rebirths individuals will have to undergo within their lifetime.
People are fascinated with the idea of the origins of kundalini? Kundalini
doesn’t particularly start anywhere, although some people might like to blame the
sacral kundalini gland for initiation. But the coccygeal gland is merely a regulator/
stimulator of the major systems of the body especially as relates heightened
emergency-energy situations of FFF (Flight, Fight, Fuck). It too simply comes
under the awesome power of the global awakening of the organism. Kundalini is
the cathartic synthesis of the organism-total and it doesn’t really start anywhere,
but starts “everywhere.” If one was intent on tracing back causation to find an
“origins” point, one would ultimately have to conclude that it would have to be
the Big Bang!
Basically spiritual awakening is the utilization of the life/sex energy amplified
and refined in metamorphic transmutation of the flesh. The all-inclusive nature
of sex energy (prana, chi, mana, star-fire, soul, ka, ichor, inua, sila, manetuwak,
oloddumare, qi, Tao, ki, aether, orgone, archeus, etheric energy, vital life-essence,
vital energy, life force and quintessence) has not been correctly understood by
humanity! Once kundalini is initiated it can be a lifelong process, but it is naïve to
think that “initiation” itself be the focus of our efforts. I was at no point attempting
to “raise” kundalini. Indeed my first awakening occurred when I had no idea what
kundalini was and even when my second awakening occurred I still had no idea
such intensity was possible. Thus for initiation at least I would recommend fasting,
a raw diet, overt-generosity, compassionate action and adventure to be better
methods of popping than ambitious preoccupation with yogic practices. However,
if we don’t have some form of internal arts like yoga and meditation, then we are
upstream without a paddle and are battered about on the rapids with no sense of
control over our boat. That is becoming more alive and following your Muse is
more likely to allow kundalini to become active naturally, and then some form of
learned or self-derived yogic practice will help you handle the energy and use it for
productive ends. These inner arts should be a natural part of our existence from
infancy and for all the days of our lives.

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