
(nextflipdebug5) #1


Spooky Action at a Distance
The maintenance of connection and coherence between separate objects at a
distance is perhaps the most profound phenomena discovered by science. David
Bohm called it quantum interconnectedness or non-local correlation. It is becoming
apparent that the nonlocal nature of the Universe itself is the causal mechanism
behind ESP, primary perception and instantaneous empathetic communication
in life. Because of their supersensoral abilities, kundalini actives would make ideal
participants in telepathic communication studies. We all are a tuning fork for the
cosmos... it is just that with the amplified field and energy of K...and the fact
that the tissues are opened, resonant and receptive, we pick up everything to a far
greater degree, especially during the peak.
Investigation of the nonlocal nature of consciousness is the most intriguing and
perhaps the most sacred subject in science. Back in 1957 physicist John Wheeler
suggested that the mechanism of PSI lies in the geometry of spacetime itself, not
in electromagnetic fields. In his view chemistry and physics that is “matter, charge
and electromagnetism” are merely the bending of space! He called his theory of the
systematical identification of matter with space, “Geometrodynamics.” Wheeler
however abandoned his theory in the early 1970s when Geometrodynamics failed
to explain some important physical phenomena, such as the existence of fermions
or that of gravitational singularities. In 1979 Wheeler spoke to the American
Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), asking them to expel
parapsychology, which he deemed to not be a proper science. But with the new work
of Nassim Haramein we may yet see how aspects of Wheeler’s “Geometrodynamics
Theory” and the spacetime foundations of Psi could be accepted as the next great
paradigm in science, philosophy and theology.
Nassim Haramein is a brilliant contemporary physicist working on a geometric
model of the Grand Unified Theory. Along with E. A. Rauscher, Ph.D., Haramein
set out to find the fundamental forces necessary for “spin” and claim to have
bridged the macro and the micro by adding “spin” to the Theory of Relativity. They
say space-time curvature generates gravity as a density increase in the presence of
matter-energy. With the torque force of the curvature of space increasing as density
increases. Thus spin comes from a change in the density or gradient in the geometry
of spacetime. If we could more fully understand how consciousness is tied into the
fabric of the Universe, the human species could be transformed by this knowledge.
Delving directly into the mysterious force that we have intuited as God, Allah or
Buddha, we could develop technologies of soul which would unveil the mind-
blowing enigma of life and consciousness. Through this ultimate investigation we
would realize greater respect for the earth, all that is living and ourselves.

Limitless Mind, A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness by
Russell Targ. Beyond the event Horizon book by Nassim
Haramein coming out this year. Also see DVD.

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