
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Bio-Lightning Effect

This is a preliminary piece on the strange phenomena of human lightning that
is associated with kundalini energy.
Louis: “A few days ago at about 5AM, while in my bed, lightning struck my right
hand. It was the most pain I’ve felt all at once, truly like lightning. It wasn’t from the
sky and it wasn’t of God. This was not Love. When this thing hit me I immediately got
to my feet, reeling, and flung myself out of my room crashing hard into the door-frame,
cutting myself and smashing into the walls and a chair fighting with everything in me
for my soul. I swear to you this is how it felt. I was overcome by a malevolent spirit that
meant to harm me. I think for a few minutes I was dead, not alive because when I tried
to feel my heart there was nothing beating in my chest. I went to the hospital just to be
sure there was nothing wrong with the body and of course they said “you’re fine.”
There was no appliance to electrocute me in my room and I have caps on the
outlets. I have been happy lately, really happy, and I’m not on any drugs either. I’m
very skeptical and nothing like this has ever happened. At first I thought it was I who
had crossed some line with God, and I got zapped, but now I think it wasn’t anything
I did. God doesn’t do THAT.”

Kundalini shows up in the weirdest of ways and human lightning is one of the
strangest. What must have happened to Louis is his body built up a charge, static
electricity is actually composed of “separated” opposite charges. The polarity in his
arm might have switched over at 5 am as the pituitary gland proceeded to set the
body for the waking state. The ions in the air in his bedroom must have provided
the means for the Zap, as the charge was trying to ground itself. So he was rather
like his own thunderstorm.
When these massive events happen we invariably think that it is some outside
entity, because we are so habituated to being our normal everyday self. No way are
we prepared to suddenly be awoken and struck by God, or anything else to such
a degree. When I had my first spontaneous 10,000 orgs up the spine I thought I
had been struck by God—there was no precedent—I immediately entered a “new”
universe so to speak. The white-shock effect to part or all of the body, is the result
of self-electrocution. It is I think for want of a better name “septic shock.” My
whole body was in that state the morning I woke up from Sex with Eros.
When Louis when to the hospital and was asked for his address he couldn’t
remember it, so that might be the left-brain that carried most of the charge from the
shock to the right arm. However loss of left-brain (directionality) would probably
occur with any kind of electrical shock. We might be able to tell which hemisphere
took the charge by looking at the size of the pupils are they the same size when in
the same light. Left-brain dominance is generally reduced during an awakening,
thus we feel a new Presence (the right-brain consciousness) with its heightened
emotional, sensoral and supersensory awareness. Over stimulation of the left-brain
to the point of incapacitation, thus permits a “disinhibition of the right-brain.
I offered the following advise to Louis to help him recover from the event:
Rehabilitation will come a little faster if you do hand scrunches with a hand
squeezer. Push your arm against a wall or both arms against a doorframe...also put

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