
(nextflipdebug5) #1

• If we persist on indulging in superstition (neomedieval imagery) it will mess
up our chemistry, keep our fight-or-flight going which may perpetuate a futile
downward spiral.

Another example of kundalini lightning energy from Pie, the most “electrically
talented” of the kundi-actives that has contacted me:
“All my life I have interfered with radios, cell phones; TV’s at times all those would
go static etc... I have a box of light bulbs in my room because I blow them out so much.
Everyone in my family knows Pie shouldn’t change bulbs and Pie shouldn’t really fix
things that require sockets or fuses. I have blown my car battery with a static shock by
just touching my car. I have blown fuses in my car again by static shocks. This happens
when I’m excited about something and then I go to get into my car and I feel the
shock and something has shorted out. The electrical distortion was always quite funny
growing up. Sometimes when I used the microwave, (I don’t use one now) I used to
short the whole house out.
My mother last year witnessed something very strange. I was in the kitchen pouring
a glass of wine (I don’t drink anymore) my mom was letting the dog out. She saw one of
the bulbs in the ceiling fan go dark—but the energy arced and hit my right shoulder...
went down my arm... through the wine bottle into the wine glass—and in the glass the
spark blew and shattered the glass. I saw the energy leave the light bulb into my arm
through the corner of my eye and my mom saw it too. She quietly told me to go lie down.
I didn’t question anything, I was scared, I just went and lay down. This was by far was
the strangest energy transfer I was a part of.”

I am sure I must have seen this on a movie, but this is a real life account of
a truly unreal phenomena: “I started noticing around ten years ago that street lights
would go out as I drove underneath them. Not all them mind you, but enough to notice.
I thought it was weird, then I thought it was a coincidence. Now, I just accept it. It
happens a couple of times a week.” Vortex

Kundalini makes the eyes incredibly shining, also the skin during high states of
kundalini ecstasy is shining, luminous and dewy. You can actually see there must
be extra photons moving through the optic nerves and the brain...the inner light
makes the eyes very bright and colorful and it’s almost like there are beams coming
out of them. My friend Jim said that when he was around 23, he was meditating in
a darkened room, and when he opened his eyes forked lightning shot across the
room from his eyes. Rather interesting.
I will attempt a preliminary hypothesis to explain human lightning, note
however that this needs to be verified by biophysicists. The obvious difference
between kundalini lightning bolt events and normal electrostatic discharges is that
the kundi-actives may not necessarily be building up static charge in the normal
manner through the friction of materials. For kundi-actives already have a higher
charge and higher electromagnetic field, which can without frictional provocation,
cause a spark toward various charged objects or electric devices. The fact that kundi-
actives can pull a spark of lightning out of an electric light bulb is fascinating, and I

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