
(nextflipdebug5) #1

your arm alternatively into hot and cold, but not too extreme. Get some Epsom
salts for your bath for the magnesium to relax those shocked muscles...and eat a big
green salad or wheatgrass every day till symptoms disappear. Take some lecithin
and Vitamin B complex. You may also might need to do some bilateral therapies
such as walking, swimming, dancing, tossing a ball from hand to hand, and boxing
perhaps, to help your rehab your right-brain.
Get some bodywork ASAP, and do some hot-tubing/water therapy if possible.
I recommend that you go bare foot as much as possible, especially outside at this
volatile time of year (midsummer) when the air is charged with electricity right
across the United States. Go lie on the grass once a day for 1/2 an hour and put
all parts of your arm on the grass. And drink lots of water to facilitate metabolic
recuperation. One of the possible causes of the shock might have been too many
H+ ions in the body (acid) due to dehydration. To avoid shocking yourself again
I would suggest either getting a negative ion generator or an indoor waterfall for
your bedroom and change all your surfaces over to natural products...cotton, wool,
wood, wool carpet etc... Put some leafy potted plants in your room also.
The phenomena of getting shocked by self-lightning is bioelectricity—
bioelectromagnetism to be exact. Biophysics in itself is what is interesting, more
so than our symbolic/mythic interpretations. However it is good to see if and how
our brain is wired for victimhood under extreme conditions. To gain distance
we need to see that psychic and bioenergetic phenomena doesn’t actually “mean”
anything other than the meaning we give it.

• We have to understand the power of spontaneous alchemical imagination in
both creating and interpreting these extra-normal events and for this we need
a thorough grasp of Jungian archetype and projection.
• Dreams, visions, lightning Zaps and visitations by apparent entities occur
simultaneous with peak alchemical events and cannot be phenomenally
separated from the event. Thus a chicken and egg situation occurs...and the
question arises of whether the dream/vision/zap creates the chemistry or does
the chemistry create the dream/vision/zap?
• These events usually occur in the service of greater integration. If there is a lot
of damage/deficiency in the limbic brain and brainstem then the archetypal
imagery, and entity-sensation will likely be scary, as the charge works through
the fear-response areas.
• These events are real in of themselves, and the way to deal with them is to go
through them. That is to treat the apparition, feeling or archetypal-mythic
complex “as if it were true” and play in a gestalt manner with the drama of
it, as if in a Greek play. In this way the chemistry is resolved and the nervous
system is grown and stabilized.
• While I say to play with it “as if it were true” if you really believe in the reality
of the scary entity without prefrontal-lobe detachment as well, then you may
propel yourself into a perpetual stress response which will be very hard to get
out of, and will ultimately lead to neuron damage and depression.

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