
(nextflipdebug5) #1



Brain Frequencies and Predetermination
In considering light to be a means of information transfer in the body, we
must consider sound as a cellular communications device also. A team of Danish
physicists including Thomas Heimburg consider the idea of nerve impulse
transmission by electricity to be incorrect because nerves do not generate heat.
These researchers theorize that is more likely to be a sound pulse or “soliton” that
can propagate without losing strength or spreading out, due to the gel like medium
of the nerve sheaths. semi rigid gel at physiological temperatures.
Myelin is an electrically insulating phospholipid layer, composed of about
80% lipid fat and about 20% protein. that surrounds the axons of many neurons.
Oligodendrocytes are glial cells that form the myelination of axons in the central
nervous system, while Schwann cells myelinate neurons in the peripheral system.
The nervous system of mammals depends crucially on the myelin sheath for
insulation as it results in decreased ion leakage and lower capacitance of the cell
membrane and faster impulse speed.

mUsic oF tHe eartH’s sPHere

“My observations of Monatomics is that is causes a deep cellular theta state to be acquired
by the cells themselves allowing the field singularities to pulse unobstructed, giving the
DNA a pure signal around which to further organize itself around the sine wave of
consciousness itself. Many benefits health-wise accrue from this harmonic. One doesn’t
“need” monatomics persay, but they are a wonderful tool of centering. The Source may
be acquired multiple ways. The Sound Current is my preferred method of connection
wit the Divine or Source. Its benefits accrue and amplify. I am of steady faith in this.”
Garwin Redman

The word Hypnogogia is composed of hypnos (sleep) and agogos (conduit).
During the twilight of hypnogogia with our critical reason suspended our
subconscious is very easily affected. Hence theta states usefulness for telepathy,
channeling, clairvoyance, astral projections and hypnosis. Also for suggestion, mind
control, seduction and political control. The setting of intention and the receiving
of resolution and answers apparently occurs in theta brainwave frequency 4Hz
to 8 Hz.
Generally human cells oscillate and resonate at 7.83 Hz with the Schumann
Resonance of the Earth’s EMF, in mid-range alpha and theta at 6-10 Hz. There are
daily changes in the Earth-ionosphere cavity resonance due to variability of the solar
short wave radiation, which ionizes the atmosphere at 90-100 km height. Theta
brainwaves are active during dream sleep, deep meditation, trance, hypnagogia
and are particularly strong during peak experiences, gnosis and creative-artistic
reverie. Theta brainwaves engage inner and intuitive subconscious, where you hold
memories, sensations, secrets and emotions. Prior to and during hypnagogia the
sleep hormone melatonin is released causing the body organs to slow down and
our state to become groggy.

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