
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Hills anD ValleYs

Sometimes for no apparent reason, the moon?, the season?, the world soul? the
galactic alignment?, the future? we do go through periods of shadow type chemistry...
just as a child has nightmares. It can happen in the beginning stages of kundalini or
in fever, in dark nights or drug trips—it just represents a particular perturbation of
consciousness. It’s not any deep or mysterious dark secret with Kosmic meaning,
it’s simply the detoxification and restructuring of the limbic system. Often we
don’t know what is inside us until we are triggered. Partly this phenomena is due
to the fact that the first 3 years of our life are largely unconscious to us, and these
are the “formative” years, so there is a lot of programming in there that we only get
to learn about through the course of life in how and why we are “triggered.” So our
source-programming is made conscious through contemplation of happenstance
and our reaction to it. “The brighter the light, the deeper it illuminates shadow.”
Light being infinite and shadow being infinite...this is why I think enlightenment
is never ending.
In Shamanism—Arachaic Techniques of Ecstasy, Mircea Eliade says that
usually the sicknesses, dreams and ecstasies themselves constitute the initiation of
transformation of the profane individual into a priest or technician of the sacred.
Initiation incorporates isolation, suffering, death (pain and unconsciousness)
and resurrection. The initiate ascends into the sky (influx) and descends into the
underworld (Die-off and dark night). In this book Mircea says that to become a
shaman there needs to be an ecstatic hysterical crisis (kundalini awakening), which
occurs in most cases at maturity. But one cannot become a shaman until several
years after the first experience and a subsequent period of instruction.
In order to succeed in the profession of shaman a predisposition to nervous
disorders was essential. Shamans come from particular families in which nervous
instability is hereditary. The only difference between a shaman and a hysteric is
that the former can deliberately enter trance. However no neurotic or paranoiac
can become a shaman...the crucial determination is that the individual is chosen
for their ability to directly relate with the sacred. Shamans are often found in
a community by their early childhood interest in sex, for example masturbating
earlier than usual. Thus showing a sensitive intuitive nervous system and high
life force.
Kundalini is so deeply personal and unique chemistry, it doesn’t seem advisable
to try and block or counter its progress. If you look into cases where people have
used antidepressants or antiseizure medicine for kundalini, you will probably
find that they were worse off with the medication than without. With drugs we
abort our chance of shamanistic death and rebirth and forfeit the experience of
our highest highs and lowest lows. Instead of medication a proactive POSITIVE
APPROACH to kundalini awakening is needed. That is preparation, protection,
practices and higher purpose. Some have been able to gradually wean themselves
off of their anti-depression prescription medication (such as Zoloft and Prozac)
with the Peruvian Camu Camu powder with no relapse into depression. The
Camu Camu fruit is a powerful immune stimulator containing more Vitamin C
than any other known plant in the world.

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