
(nextflipdebug5) #1

seems infinitely larger than ourselves. It forces us be befriend ourselves and forces
us to love.
Spiritual practice doesn’t necessary make one more spiritual, ie: post-
conventional. Individuals of a conventional level are unsuitable for they are too
rigid and will contest you at every turn as you Be and express information from
higher realities. There are many ways to develop a truly post conventional brain
including a kundalini awakening, good genetics and richly stimulating beginnings,
extreme experiences and adventurous lifestyle, crisis, shamanic drug use and spiritual
practice that involves the removal of the sense of specialness. As kundi-actives we
don’t need the conventionally minded to ground us or bring us back down to
earth, for it is our job to bring heaven down to earth. We must have the open space
to learn inner-adaptation to the elevated energy and consciousness, as only this will
help us integrate larger/higher orders of our being. Fundamentally it is our “job”
not to succumb to consensus reality, but to bring the gifts of spirit down and to
illuminate the “flatland” material world. That is it is the “lower” material nature
that must be sacrificed to the higher, not the other way round. If our partner is not
thoroughly kundalini-informed, they may tend to pathologize our kundalini, or
seek to exploit it, either way this will be very degrading situation.
If a couple is in active kundalini and having regular sex, then it must be done
consciously, that is tantrically, or else they are likely to generate big trouble because
everything is so amplified. Active kundalini really needs a 3rd stage relationship
(David Deida scale) or mature monogamy (Robert Augustus Masters), with
fluid honesty and eyes wide open. To preserve joint-spiritual ascendency you
have to watch out that the energy is not being used in a masturbatory, selfish or
codependent fashion; egoically using kundalini energy, or be selling it for love.
That is we must wary of the ego’s attempts to barter kundalini energy for sex,
comfort, companionship and security, for this is a no win situation. Masturbatory-
egoic sex and relationship is driven by the older survival/defense parts of the brain
and is inspired by deprivation. While for transcendental sex and higher forms of
relationship one needs to already have a certain proficiency at the basic needs level.
Survival stress focuses consciousness in older brain areas and tends to interfere with
higher cognition.
During awakening the changes and upheavals can be so great that it is essential
to look for the ultimate support within oneself. If you feel you need support
from sangha, Guru, mate, parents or doctor you will just run yourself ragged and
end up increasingly deprived. Isolation often leads to the evolutionary chemistry
of the mystics. The energy/awareness has to go somewhere, so it turns into the
inner flower. When we witness anything, be it loneliness, horniness, kundalini,
desire, pain, fear can be transmuted into its own satisfaction. But if we turn
our consciousness away from it and resist it or suppress it then it just persists in
an unconscious fashion to infest our behavior and destiny. To be touched with
affection we must first touch with affection. The heart of the world grows thus. We
fill up from the inside out, after which we can shine our love on all creation.
Relationship boils down to personal responsibility. If we are dissociated from
ourselves and the world, it’s rather hard to make relationship happen. Being actively

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