
(nextflipdebug5) #1

try to save ourselves by crawling back up the beach. In order to move from a past
structure of consciousness to a new structure of consciousness the present one must
be perturbed or penetrated with greater energy of awareness. The peak experiences
of kundalini are such a “perturbation” of our former conditioning. Whether we
receive this perturbation through vibration (music/drum/dance/chanting), through
drugs, through stress, through romance, Guru devotion or through
is a door into our own deepest source and condition of Self. The peak experience of
kundalini awakening allows participation in the World-brain/Earth-soul, through
the disidentification with the ignoble conditioned stage.

“The process of Awakening is the hardest thing in the world to do for the simple
reason that we must confront ourselves. Rather than attempting to formulate “reasons”
for our behavior and engagement of life, we have to come to clearly see we are not and
have not been Awake.” Garwin Redman

Incarnation is the hardest task imposed on us, for the instinct is to back away
from the edge as the energy of consciousness touches our contraction. To the
degree that we retreat, our entire physiology and consciousness is diminished and
growth is suspended. The immune system, nervous system and mitochondria exist
in the matrix of our positive or negative assessment of our world and ourselves.
Our defensive resistance to negative experience and trauma tightens the rubber
band of the armoring making the symptoms of our contraction more obvious.
You might say rigid belief in the memory of our past-self is the only thing holding
us back from enlightenment. When we give ourselves permission to move beyond
who we have known ourselves to least then we are growing.
Repression does not simply “make things go away” but condemns them to
the shadow realms, where they incubate and infect the entirety of our lives with
disharmony. Numbness and unconsciousness produce ever-increasing dysfunction,
neurosis and removal from reality. Thus when our conditioning is “penetrated”
the symptoms are likely to be more extreme than it would be say if we come from
a very benign-loving history. The way we have each built our armor IS its own
particular re-solution. That is, our kundalini awakening will arise in direct relation
to the specific armor/archetype that we have constructed. That is why life itself
is archetypical. Through “Archetypal Sympathetic Resonance” we are inevitably
drawn to the specific Great Attractor that will break through our veil and ‘touch”
of our deepest level of existence. This is the “humanizing” process...The Great
Alchemy of Awaking Up!
Intimacy and consciousness are essentially the same thing. If you turn your
feeling-sense, emotion and thought toward coming forth to the n’th degree
without hesitation or doubt, then you will automatically increase both the strength
and the number of mitochondria and immune cells. I am proposing a conscious
and intentioned incarnation as a form of mindfulness meditation in coordination
with breath. Imagine an embodiment practice or purposeful incarnation! Not just
as a visualization or affirmation, but as an allowing, a letting the universe permeate
one’s being to the max. When you do this you can actually feel your cells respond.
With conscious incarnation we “initiate” ourselves through our individual cells.

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