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progressively into the Mystery and deepen our experience of life. It‘s our choice.
By searching within and learning how to be proadapted “under circumstances that
have no precedent” we become pioneers paving the way for the rest of humanity
to follow.
Integrating the huge energies of kundalini is very difficult at times. We have
to both relax into allowing the dissolution of our former self, while building up
and supporting new neurological growth for a deeper and higher skill level. We
must not fear the temporary loss of our left-brain adaptive functions, while at the
same time exercising those functions in order to preserve the neurons for higher
brain capacities. We must progressively both “let go” and “build.” And the reason
why we must do this, is so that the gains we make during our period of spiritual
acceleration will not be lost, but will be preserved through our experience of the art
and science of Being. Integrating the energy therefore becomes our warriorship...
it is our growing edge. And as each of us does this, it becomes easier and easier for
all of humanity to hold and convey the full power of Spirit...and to loosen the
hold of the Borg. The Borg is anti-individualism—a menial, default, automatic
programming of consensus conformity, essentially created through splitting and
compartmentalizing the mind creating a schism between body, mind and soul.
This Thanatos means loss of differentiation and integrity of the individuals
allowing them to form a Borg (tumorous mass of anti-life preditorism).
Kundalini is not a snake coiled up and waiting...the awakening of kundalini
is a synergy and synthesis of body, mind and soul, which our dense culture tries
strenuously to avoid. Waking up to the sleep and the pain of deadness is hard
work, and then maintaining the momentum and trajectory so that one doesn’t fall
back into the plenum of consensus trance is even harder. If you look at the absolute
great minds in history few of them were able to save themselves from the fury of
the ignorant crowd. Modern man has broken down the habitat of the natural man,
hooked humanity onto an IV of sugar water and now the sugar water is now seen
for what it is.
Now that our moral line is presenting itself to us more clearly through sheer
necessity, we can change over to a more profound sustainable culture. Those that
try to cling to the past will suffer, as will those who are simply without a muse-
vocation in the transformation to the new culture. The ensouled way of human
existence is forced on us from all sides, because the soporific distraction of the
sugar water is no longer valid. The old system must be done away with if humanity
is to be permitted to grow towards a noble condition. If we are sick, we should
start defining our sickness, give a prognosis and work out the “cure.” It begins of
course with the rape and abuse of the earth herself, then we lose the strength and
humanizing that she can provide. But in particular there is the dumbing down of
the population with fluoride and aspartame and all the zillions of other chemicals
including the hormonal agricultural chemicals. No way can spirit survive the
onslaught of generations of such abuse.
We “must” get over our myopia of simply dealing with symptoms and get
quickly to the root-causes of things. We need origins-ology to become the

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