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concentrations. In one study obese adults consumed 1 gram of glucomannan fiber
one hour before each meal for eight weeks, and they lost an average of 5.5 pounds
of body weight—with no other changes to their eating or exercise patterns.

David Hudson calls the exotic materials he found Orbitally Rearranged Mono-
atomic Elements or ORMEs. He also refers to them as monoatomic elements in a
high spin state or m-state. The raw food expert David Wolfe says it is the long chain
sugar polysaccharides that are essentially the ORMUS carrying substances that
concentrate in certain types of plants and animals. The polysaccharide is strongly
concentrated in medicinal tree mushrooms such as reishi, maitake, shitake, fomes
fomentarius, ganoderma applanatum and ganoderma orgensus. Other ORMUS
collecting plants include noni, aloe vera, blue green algae, rapeseed, white pine
and larch bark.
Hydrophilic silicon acts like a holder or coupler of ORMUS elements in
aqueous solution, keeping them in colloidal suspension through electromagnetic
charge, thereby preventing the dissipation of ORMUS into the air. In the body,
silicon might have a similar bonding relationship with ORMUS. Essentially laying
the framework for the flow of the light of life in the body—especially with regards
to nerve and connective tissue—creating the morphogenic field for the autopoietic
assembly of the body’s cellular construction.
Fibroblasts are the cells that produce the connective tissue fibers and the
nonliving matrix material, which makes up the structural scaffolding of the body.
The main function of fibroblasts is to maintain the structural integrity of connective
tissue by continuously secreting precursors of the protein-containing extracellular
matrix. And it is the composition of the extracellular matrix determines the physical
strength and flexibility properties of connective tissues that sculpt the “bulk” of an
The mineral we tend to forget about is silicon, yet it is vital to the connective
tissue structure of the entire body. After many years I found the kundalini was
burning through my collagen and I finally realized I needed to increase the silicon
in my diet. Consequently I have used about 10 pounds of horsetail in tea and
capsules in the last 6 months. My drinking water is now comprised of oatstraw-
horsetail tea, some muco-goop from buckwheat sprouting, a dash of fulvic acid
and Utah shale minerals, plus Himalayan salt. After freezing it I drink three quarts
of this delicious golden elixir of the Gods per day. As a consequence my muscles
have regained their tone, my skin is thicker and more youthful, my joints and
spine are stronger and my nerves more steady. Silicon is important for resilience to
kundalini, not only in supporting the structure of the body, but also the conveyance
of biophoton information (etheric communication) and nerve strength.

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