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with yogurt, heaps of chopped garlic and parsley, and light-miso mixed in at the last
minute, might be the idea kundalini food for comfort and nutrition. Don’t forget
the chopped garlic, nutmeg, ground black pepper and the mashed avocado on top
for garnish. Red beets are very cleansing and have a specific action on the liver.
Chlorophyll helps liver detox, and reduces carcinogen binding to DNA. Other
nutrients which play vital roles in the Phase II liver detoxification include amino
acids glycine, cysteine, methionine, taurine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid.
calcium D-Glucarate is a phytonutrient found in many fruits and vegetables
that helps remove fat soluble toxins, estrogens and other excess steroid hormones.
As we age and become overly exposed to toxins, a dangerous enzyme is produced
by certain bacteria that reside in the gut, called beta-glucuronidase. When levels of
beta-glucuronidase become too high, it reverses the glucuronidation process and
releases the toxins or carcinogens back into the bloodstream. D-Glucarate has been
shown to inhibit beta-glucuronidase, thus prevents the recycling of carcinogenic
metabolites. D-glucarate works by supporting detoxification and removal of
dangerous chemicals, and also by protecting against the mutating effects of these
carcinogens on cellular DNA. The beta-glucuronidase enzyme is associated with
an increase in the number of estrogen receptors. D-glucarate has been shown to
lower estrogen receptors and reduce tumor growth.
silymarin or Milk Thistle Extract is also recommended throughout
metamorphosis as there is an inflammatory cascade that occurs from accumulation
of exotoxins and endotoxins that result in the production of alarm messenger
substances called leucotrienes. These messengers in turn activate white cells such
as the macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils to release free radicals. These
oxidants in turn attack connective tissue and the hyaluronic acid joint lubrication,
resulting in inflammation or irritation that in the long term produces degeneration.
Alan H. Pressman says evidence points to degenerative joint diseases like arthritis
being associated with a permeable gut and poor liver detoxification. Herbs such
as Milk Thistle can be taken to lessen the damage to the liver from toxins cycling
between the GI tract and the liver.
Dr. Alan Pressman in The Gsh Phenomenon: Nature’s Most Powerful Antioxidant
& Healing Agent says that for liver detoxification fasting can’t help. When we fast
the cytochrome P-450 enzyme activity drops sharply reducing Step One-oxidation
of toxins. Plus antioxidant supplies are reduced when fasting, increasing oxidation
damage from free roaming toxins and free radicals. So it seems that fasting is
not recommended during kundalini awakenings, for the body is already greatly
challenged by free radicals and cell breakdown. Even during a Die-off when food
cannot be readily eaten it would be best to take antioxidant supplements and juices
of those foods containing glutathione and cysteine.

During an awakening you might want to check out Alan H. Pressman’s books:
Physicians’ Guides to Healing: Treating Digestive Conditions and Glutathione: The

Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D.

Free download pdf