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cooked food or substance addictions. A “quality” light, raw-sproutarian type diet
with superfoods instead of “quantity” is advisable. Raw food promotes the fastest
evolution, however you may find winter to be a challenge on raw, especially for
the first two years. Sensation really increases, and that includes the sensation of
pain as we emerge from the numbness most of us live under. A good all round
book is Living Food For Optimum Health by Brian Clement of the Hippocrates
Institute. A companion book to that for actually creating sumptuous raw meals
is Raw: The Uncook Book: New Vegetarian Food for Life by Juliano Brotman and
Erika Lenkert
The quantity of food one consumes need not return to normal until the
anabolic or building phase of substantiation. In fact the transfiguring body needs
less food because the senses are fulfilled with bliss, higher energy and consciousness
is conveyed and the body is catabolically recycling its own tissues. It is advisable
to maximize metamorphosis and assist purification by eating a diet of high
nutritional and life force value. If we are in fear and resistance there maybe a
tendency to try and maintain continuity with one’s former self, and to put the
reigns on the transmutation process by overeating. Over filling the stomach to
may tend to dampen the intensity of the awakening, but it will also create dullness,
unresponsiveness and generally make one ill equipped to handle the alchemy and
one’s life. Also belly breathing is one of the best adaptive tools to use when kundalini
is heightened and a full stomach prevents this deep and natural breathing.
Because metamorphosis assumes precedence over other life processes it will continue
by drawing energy from other functions. Thus we are our own worst enemy if we
try and put reigns on the process by eating heavily and using up our energy in
excessive sex etc...The ego will tempt us with these consolations and comforts,
because the alchemy can threaten the ego’s sense of control and the known. Until
the ground of the Self is well established, the ego feels threatened by the sense of
groundlessness that emerges as the dissolution of former conditioning proceeds.
If kundalini is out of control and there is a need to slow down the process
because it’s too intense, then it is suggested that a cup of food be slowly eaten every
three hours. This takes energy away from its present fiery purification function and
into the digestion of food. Gobi Krishna who awoke without the aid of a teacher
resorted to this method to ease his distress from an extreme extended awakening.
In my own experience, after the bulk of the “message” had come through in July
2000, I chose to come down, so I ate a bagel with cream cheese and coffee each day.
This brought me down from the stratosphere. But had I been stronger, supported
and more informed as to what was happening, I would not have reduced the fire
in this manner. In the end this kind of avoidance results in the creation of a mere
mortal who had a “spiritual holiday,” not a transformed being. Thus I am not as
advanced and transformed as I would have been had I truly surrendered to the
process with no resistance, inertia or control.
Since females are more likely to choose passive modes of coping behavior in
response to stress and trauma, their nervous systems are more likely to be set toward
learned helplessness. Males are more likely to resort to vigorous exercise, fighting

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