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(peptides) cross the small intestine and reach peripheral tissue via the circulation. If
denatured manufactured proteins are largely unusable, fragments of them will end
up clogging the lymphatic system. Soy-based protein concentrates are also advised
against as they contain antinutrients and goitrogens. Soy also contains Trypsin
inhibitors that interfere with protein digestion, not to mention the phytoestrogens
that stimulate cancer growth.
More reasons why not to include dairy and soy products in your diet and
smoothies. We have heard that most adults cannot digest the lactose in dairy, but
perhaps you have not yet heard about Insulin-like Growth Factor. Insulin-like
Growth Factor stimulates weight gain and contributes to cancer development,
faster growth and earlier aging...and it is found in high amounts in dairy...because
milk is meant for stimulating the fast growth of young animals. But it is even higher
in soy according to John McDougall, MD. Also carbohydrates/sugar increase
cancer rates because high blood sugar and insulin levels result in an elevation of
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, which raises the risk of cancer. http://www.drmcdougall.

so how do we get our protein?
Following are some raw protein suggestions that you can add to your smoothie
instead of using manufactured protein powders. To gain maximum benefit while
eliminating the enzyme inhibitors, it is best to either soak and/or sprout nuts and
seeds prior to grinding for your smoothie. One way you can do this is to put 1⁄4
cup (one smoothie worth) of your seed/nut mix in a yogurt container with lots
of little holes poked in the bottom. Put this inside another yogurt container and
cover the seeds and nuts with water. I usually only soak my seeds and nuts for
about 4 hours. Then throw out the soak water and grow on in the fridge for a day
or two. A blender grinds the plant protein mix up perfectly, thus this seed/nut
mixture is ideal in a smoothie to provide adequate protein, without the morning
neck headache and lymphatic congestion of the manufactured protein powders.

Protein suggestions
Following is a list of the protein contained in 100g:
Cashews-17.2g, Almonds-16.9g, Apricot kernels-27.5g, Peanuts-24.3g, Pine nuts-
14g, Pistachios-19.3g, Pumpkin seeds-29g, Sesame seeds-26.4g, Sunflower seeds-
24g, Flax seeds-25-30 g, Hemp seed-33g, Goji berries-15g, Maca root-10g, Carob-
18.g, Raw Cacao 17.8g, Spirulina-70g, Alfalfa leaf-20g and Alfalfa sprouts-35g.
Buckwheat seed-11.36g; Free amino acid contents in buckwheat sprouts are almost
four-times higher than those of buckwheat seeds. Wheatgerm-23g protein. Sweet
nutty flavored raw Mesquite powder-11–17g protein. Acai Berries-7g, Lucuma-
12.5g. You can also add a fresh raw organic egg to your smoothie for protein.
nutritional Yeast is 55% protein, contains B12, 1-3 glucans and glutathione.
Nutritional yeast is the most concentrated source of nutrition of any known
food, resembling the composition the normal cells of the human body. It is the
very best iron food there is, having more of this vital factor than any other food,
including liver. It sounds good in theory, but we must remember that it is a highly
processed product that is made from yeast grown on non organic sugar beets and

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