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Durham, Diana, The Return of King Arthur, Completing the Quest for Wholeness, Inner-
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Edinger, Edward, Ego and Archetype; Shambhala, 1972
Goodbread, Joseph, Radical Intercourse: How Dreams Unite Us in Love, Conflict, and Other
Inevitable Relationships; Lao Tse Press, 1997
Grasse, Ray, The Waking Dream: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of our Lives; Quest
Books, 1996
Hixon, Lex, Coming Home, The Experience of Enlightenment in Sacred Traditions; Larson
Publications 1995
Johnson, R. Inner work: Using dreams and active imagination for personal growth; Harper,
Kimura, Yasuhiko Genku, Think Kosmically Act Globally: An Anthology of Essays on Ethics,
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Karen, Richard, The Forgiving Self: The Road from Resentment to Connection; Anchor,
Kast, Verena, Joy, Inspiration and Hope; Texas A&M Uni Press 1991
Long, Barry, Making Love: Sexual Love the Divine Way; Barry Long Books, 1999
Masters, Robert Augustus, Divine Dynamite: Entering Awakening’s Heartland; Tehmenos
Press, 2004
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McLaren, Karla, Rebuilding the Garden, Healing the Spiritual Wounds of Childhood Sexual
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Mindell, Arnold, The Shaman’s Body: a New Shamanism for Transforming Health,
Relationships, and Community; Harper Collins, 1993
Mindell, Arnold, The Dreammaker’s Apprentice: Using Heightened States of Consciousness to
Interpret Dreams; Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2001
Norbu, Chogual Namkhai, Dream Yoga and The Practice of Natural Light; Snowlion, 1992
Ouspensky P. D., A New Model of the Universe; Dover Publishing, 1997
Perera, Sylvia Brinton, Descent to the Goddess (Studies in Jungian Psychology); Inner City
Books, 1981
Pierrakos, Eva, Creating Union: The Essence of Intimate Relationship; Pathwork Publications,
Richardson, Diana, Tantric Orgasm for Woman; Destiny Books, 2004
———The Heart of Tantric Sex: A Unique Guide to Love and Sexual Fulfillment; O Books,
Richo, David, How to Be an Adult: A Handbook for Psychological and Spiritual Integration;
Paulist Press, 1991
Roob, Alexander, Alchemy and Mysticism; Taschen [Pictorial]
Vaughan-lee, Llewellyn, Catching the Thread: Sufism, Dreamwork and Jungian Psychology;
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Swimme, Brian, The Universe is a Green Dragon; Bear & Co, 1984
Villoldo, Alberto, Mending The Past And Healing The Future With Soul Retrieval; Hay
House, 2005

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