
(nextflipdebug5) #1

nerve impulses, participate in the body’s defenses against infection, and regulate
the rate of metabolism and cell growth in various tissues. Histamine stimulates
prostaglandin release, which increases vascular permeability, producing a range
of affects on brain function and metabolism. Several prostaglandins have been
shown to induce fever, possibly by participating in the temperature-regulating
mechanisms in the hypothalamus. The fact that aspirin and other nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs have been shown to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis may
account for their usefulness in reducing fever and inflammation.

PUll From sKeletal mUscles

With the heart expansion of February 2007’s full moon, I realized I had not
built up my body’s nutrient resources enough. Thus the monthly heart expansions
were literally drawing amino acids (arginine, glutamine, taurine) and glucose
out of my skeletal muscles in order to feed the heart expansion. And because my
reserves are inadequate the rest of my frame goes into deprivation mode. Each
heart expansion period would be accompanied with painfully weak arms, a sense
of pain and weakness in the buttocks, fatigue and grounding.
I turned my awareness on the big-draw in my skeletal muscles and remembered
that this has been happening every full moon now for 6 months or so at least.
About 5 days prior to a heart expansion period there was a drain on nerve energy
resulting in ticks and pulsations of muscles. Then 3 days prior to full moon I can
feel the heart start to power up, with associated loss of strength from the arms and
gluts. Plus I can feel what probably amounts to amino acids being removed from
the skeletal muscles of the gluts, making them weak and sore. My theory is that the
body was harvesting the amino acid glutamine and arginine (and possibly taurine)
to convert to the neurotransmitter glutamate, glucose and nitric oxide in order to
fuel the heart expansion around the full moon.
March 2007 was a very parasympathetic opening didn’t suck the
nutrients from my skeletal muscles so that meant the nutrient saturation with
my smoothies worked. However it blew my cardio system so wide open I had to
spend a day in bed, and have been on go-slow for 5 days. It made me realize I now
need to really build up the strength of my cardiovascular system with aerobics
(running) in order to withstand the fluxes and flows of the cosmos. A silicon
rich diet is important to endure heart expansions also both in improving nerve
transmission and increasing the elasticity and tone of the blood vessels. I also find
catnip tea useful for helping the mind to surrender, for psychological resistance to
the expansion will create a tension differential.
By the late July heart expansion I had saturated my reserves through nutrient
dense greens and superfood smoothies, so I only felt a little sleepiness rather than
fatigue with the heart expansion. There was no sense of “drawing” of nutrients
from the skeletal muscle. However, because the increased nutrition allows the
heart to sore higher, I found I needed to moan, groan and use panting breath to
accommodate the largeness of the heart. (A reminder that lying on the earth will
help you to endure the times when the heart is most intensely blown open.)

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