
(nextflipdebug5) #1


“As Kundalini moves up through the sushumna, She transforms the body and makes it
fit for spiritual sadhana; it is only after the body has been purified that the Shakti can
work with full force.” P. 28 Swami Muktananda, Kundalini, The Secret of Life.

The inner-conjunction is the most intense kundalini experience when it feels
like thousands of volts are tearing through one’s system. There are many ecstatic
experiences during a kundalini awakening, but the shooting up the spine and its
associated “Silver Cord” or “Sex with Eros” is the most extreme experience one
can endure energetically. I haven’t found a name for it in Western literature and
no corresponding Eastern name so I call it the inner-conjunction. I liken it to
10,000 orgasms pouring through every cell of one’s body and gushing out the top
of the crown, threatening to explode one’s head. I say that it is 10,000 orgs up the
spine to convey its huge quantum jump from the normal experience of our body.
Thus in this book you will see me refer to the charge of the Inner-conjunction as
10,000 orgs. But if someone did actually have the equivalent of 10,000 orgasms
all at once it would kill them instantly. The degree of ecstasy is inexpressible, other
than to say that every cell in the body is lit up with God...with bliss in the extreme.
Both males and females experience the inner-conjunction as the “peak event” of
an awakening or a lifetime. I have had 4 of spontaneous blast out of the
blue completely not knowing what it was, one dark night version corresponding
to this first one. One Sex With Eros inner-conjunction with womb contractions as
well, and the last one included the silver cord.
The sex with eros event is an inner-conjunction that includes genital
contractions and spontaneous sexual ecstasy. Some people experience daily
spontaneous extreme orgastic activity either in the whole body or parts of the body.
Since inner-conjunctions are the most intense energetic kundalini experience,
having this energy activate the sex organs also makes for the most intense sexual
experience possible. But you must understand that because it is a spontaneous
event and is part of the entire body lighting up, such an event is not sexual in the
normal sense. Thus paradoxically the most extreme sexual experience possible to
humans is not even sexual and it is this realization that helps one to intuit the larger
purpose, meaning and direction of life beyond all our conditioned assumptions,
concepts and self-centric myopia.
Men and women experience these spontaneous superorgansms, but it might be
more frequent or intense in women, it is hard to say. This spontaneous “inner sex”
may be linked to the mythic ideas of the virgin birth, as well as “showers of gold
from Zeus” and having sex with Gods. In Eastern traditions the inner-conjunction
might be confused with men ejaculating up their spine. Obviously the men are not
actually ejaculating up the spine, though for some reason the Easterners interpret
the event as that. What they are experiencing is the inner-conjunction...others
might call this samadhi, although samadhi is usually associated with a lot of other
stuff which is not the inner-conjunction. (See Kundalini Gland for more on this)
The peak inner-conjunction of my lifetime happened during the transmutation
phase of my 2000 awakening, 12 days after the start of the peak-influx. This was

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