
(nextflipdebug5) #1

or explode. Willy Conjuncto has repeatedly gone in and out of inner-conjunction
for over 6 hours, he has daily inner-conjunctions and is now having fully body
orgasms and prolonged spontaneous orgastic activity throughout various organs
and parts of his body. There may or may not be orgasm like contractions of the sex
organs it depends on the type of inner-conjunction one is having. I call the one
with contractions Sex with Eros. Here is an example of a male experiencing such
an event:
“The wave goes down to the groin in the sexual organs. It becomes very sexual, at the
same time maintaining an essence of purity and spirituality. When the wave reaches the
sexual organs, I feel a push to the lower back, that is pressed towards the sky and I reach
some sort of very intense “ orgasm.’’ The penis is not erected and no semen is ejaculated.
But the pleasure is a thousand times more intense than a normal sexual experience.” GS,
a Scientist listed on the website: Archives of Scientists’ Transcendent Experiences
Time disappears during inner-conjunctions so one can’t really say if it was half
an hour or 4 hours. But this climax cannot be compared to a 30 minute orgasm.
There is no ego available to jump up and look at the clock and start cataloging
what happened. One is incapacitated in bliss for hours after the event. After the
inner-conjunction one literally feels and behaves like Jesus Christ. When motor
coordination returns any stored charge or tension in the neuromuscular system
has been expended so there is a great relaxation of the tissues. Hours after this
hyper-relaxation we could however flip into a radical contraction, almost like it’s
a response to being opened too much, but it’s simply the aftermath and counter
play of the chemicals.
During extreme events such as an inner-conjunction (10,000 orgs) you cannot
consciously direct energy because you are paralyzed and have no ego, but you
can direct the normal flow of kundalini energy. For example, by drawing it up
the back to avoid wimping out, or by focusing with the minds eye coupled with
breathing on the solar plexus to recover some will and clarity and gain a handle on
the excessive bliss. Note you can also have the chemistry of an inner-conjunction
experience that involves extreme terror rather than extreme bliss. This Electric-Dark
Night is the same intensity of energy rushing through the body and exploding the
head, but in a “bad trip” sense. We may not have a “bad trip” inner-conjunction
with every awakening. I only had one during my first because of a pre-conscious
body knowledge of my fathers upcoming death, coupled with the fact that I had
no idea what kundalini or awakenings were at the time. The shock of kundalini
in a neophyte body might predispose us to having a dark-night form of inner-
conjunction; especially if we have no idea what is going on.
I don’t think that “bad trip” inner-conjunctions occur often in normal healthy
individuals (in benign circumstances), because of the years of priming prior to the
event and because a kundalini climax only happens during a period of maximum
heart expansion when the psycho-somatic resistance that normally prevents a
conjunction has been removed. An inner-conjunction sparked off by drug use, or
by stressful circumstances, however could turn nasty because the bodymind has
simply not prepared itself for this zenith chemistry.

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