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and affects in the body is lower. Be aware also that with heightened kundalini you
will be able to pick up the long waves that proceed earthquakes and also feel the
pressure of the ionic changes in the atmosphere as a very heavy prefrontal lobe daze
coupled with adrenal activation, for up to 2-4 days preceding a major earthquake
within your hemisphere of the globe.
While Boulder CO, I felt the 6.5 Paso Robles Quake on 12/23/03 as a very
heavy prefrontal lobe daze, and noticed their was a Chinook positive ion-high
wind at the time. The positive ion-high wind over here in Colorado is signified
by a special type of compact high-wind clouds and high pressure in the body.
I theorized the atmospheric positive ion sheet probably existed over California
and reached out to Colorado. During the day of the 2003 quake I did register
a significant adrenal “danger” flush, however I was in such bliss at the time that
the danger sense I felt to be not personally relevant. NOAA and the Russians
are collaborating on a satellite detection system of ionospheric changes related
to immanent earthquakes, and can predict a quake and anticipate its size 2 days
before it occurs.
The influences on kundalini by geomagnetic stress of earthquake build up and
the weather, and space-weather can be explained by changes in the Schumann
resonance and ionosphere affecting the cells. Between the earth’s surface and
ionosphere, a resonating cavity is formed. Broadband electromagnetic impulses,
like those from lightning flashes, fill this cavity, and create globally the Schumann
resonances at frequencies 5 - 50 Hz. The base Schumann Resonance is 7.8Hz
quasi standing electromagnetic waves mainly traveling from West to East. There is
a +/- 0.5 Hertz daily variation which is a function of the height of the ionosphere,
which changes with solar activity. Obviously huge high or low pressure systems
would also alter the height of the ionosphere, pushing or pulling on it as if it were
the membrane of a balloon.
Through their own DC field all living organisms are plugged into the
electromagnetic field of the earth, which varies in response to the sun and moon.
Because someone with active kundalini has a heightened field and superfluid
condition, magnetic storms on the sun and the sunspot cycle will affect them more
so than the average organism. The earth’s normal field resonating at Alpha 10 Hz
normalizes our own field and biorhythms, and we remain in sync with the planet
through her field changes effecting a change in our own.
Changes in the earth’s field affect the pineal glands production of melatonin and
serotonin, as well as changing acetylcholine levels in the brainstem. In this respect
not only do our normal biorhythms respond this way, but so too do our psychic
and spiritual capacities respond to changes in earth’s field. Thus we are keyed into
a cosmic timing devise for the emergence of consciousness that is governed largely
by the movements of the earth, sun and moon. Researchers will find that kundalini
(and indeed normal physiology) follows the rhythm of the sun’s magnetic field/
solar wind field sector boundary. One effect of this is the alteration of intestinal
bacteria and pathogen count, and immune cell spectrum and number. The two
day turbulence during the move from one sector boundary to another will also
affect biology, consciousness and behavior.

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