
(nextflipdebug5) #1

defensive cellular response rather than a growing one. It is apparent from tracking
my metamorphic cycles that they power up during the gravitational highs of full
or new moon. Sometimes it’s the new moon when I am peaking other times it is
the full moon, depending on which has the highest tides. The higher the tide, the
greater the tidal influence on the atmosphere as well and this translates into greater
ionic effects on lifeforms, so we cannot automatically say that it is a gravitational
trigger to metamorphosis or an ionic, for it is both. Full moon changes the surface
tension of the water in the body, thereby affecting the endocrine system.
Metamorphosis is also socially initiated as well, but even the cycle of spiritual
alchemy of the social/guru/romance effect is directly initiated and influenced by
the solar/lunar cycles, gravitational, ionic, atmospheric, barometric and cosmic
wave influx. Also the sunspot cycle and the magnetic axis flips and the changes of
polarity in the eight day solar skirt sectors. The sun, moon, Jupiter and to a lesser
effect the other planets as well, all play into the progressive unfoldment of the
metamorphic butterfly, both individually and collectively.
Earth’s orbit is elliptical, or slightly oval-shaped. This means there is one
point in the orbit where Earth is closest to the Sun, and another where Earth
is farthest from the Sun. The closest point (perihelion) occurs in early January,
where Earth-Sun distance will be 147,093,602 km and Earth speeds up a bit in its
orbital progress. The far point (Aphelion) happens in early July, where when the
Earth-Sun distance will be 152,097,053 km and Earth moves slower than average
along its path. The passing of equinoxes and solstices has a huge impact on our
kundalini, consciousness, biology and magnetic influences on life processes, health
and behavior.
There is a distinct seasonal progression of metamorphosis (love), which repeats
itself with precision year after year. July (summer) is the most energy-expansive
month of the year when the physical potency of Spirit is most noticeable. If you
are female you might even mistake July’s high vitalism for pregnancy, for there is
a sense of fullness and wholeness in the belly and there is a pressure of fullness in
the head and throat, while the heart seems more connected to everything. Also
there is a heaviness like being grounded, which makes walking slower. In high-
energy people you can actually see this July fullness in their face...they look like
they pregnant bursting with energy. Head pressure and the sound of pulsing or
ringing in the ears can get intense during the annual head popping months August
and September. There are things you can do for blood pressure and tinnitus, but
the best thing is long walks near moving water, and lying on the grass and staying
away from carbohydrates and dairy. Supplements for tinnitus, pressure and vertigo
are listed in the last section of BOK. October full moon, kundalini is in the lungs
and digestive system. This feels “really” blissful but makes a mess of ones digestion,
then in November full moon it moves down into the pelvis and through the jaw.
After winter solstice it will flip back up to a heart-brain connection, which is pure
liquid honey fire.
August 2006 was particularly drawing into the head, with amazing head
pressure, that translates into more breakdown during the back to soil phase of year

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