Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Page numbers in italics indicate tables.

Abd Allah (Saudi crown prince), 359,
Abdullah, King, 73
Academic community, in
theory-practice gap, 400-401, 403
Academic research. See Research
Access, to political leaders, 21, 22
Accessibility, of records, 176
Accountability, perceived, 262
Achievement motivation, 154—^6,
299—300, 371—73; in belief sys-
tem, 222; relative to affiliation,
307; relative to power, 309—12
Achieving Society, The (McClelland),
Adkins, R., 162
Adler, Alfred, 16
Adolf Hitler (1942, OSS study), 39
Adverbial intensifies, 146, 304, 306
Adversary, image, 87, 97—100
Adversative expressions, 138—39, 144
Advisers, 78, 87-88, 342, 345, 379;
Clinton's, 287-90; Hussein's,
377—78, 383, 384—85; to narcissis-
tic personalities, 87—88; to nation-
alistic leaders, 378; task force as,
318,377, 379.3S3
Affect, 4
Affiliation motivation, 154—57,

Afghanistan, 237
Aflaq, Michel, 337, 338
Africa, 164
Agency, theory of, 402
Aggression, 343-44
Aideed, Mohammad Farah, 411
al-Bu Nimr, 353
al-Bu Nisr (Sunni tribe), 353
Aliotta, J. M., 163
Allen, Charles, 282
Allport, G., 108
Ambition, 74, no—n, 126, 290,
299; of Clinton family, 281—83,
288—89,^29 J>^2 93>^2 97; Hussein's,
336, 339, 343-44
American Psychological Association,
Analysis, level of, 131; historical fact
as, 115; meaning as, 115. See also
Behavior; Personality; Profile;
Analyst, bias of, 127
Anderson, J. W., 19
Anecdotal evidence, 122—23
Angry disposition, 150
Anxious disposition, 149
Arab history, 337—38. See also
Kuwait; Persian Gulf crisis
Arafat, Yasir, 74
Arkansas, 290, 293

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