Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Cassidy, Edith, 278
Cassidy, Eldridge, 278
Castro, Fidel, 381
Causal mechanisms, 63—65
Ceci, S. J., 264
Cecil, Ronnie, 278
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
39, 50-54, 60, 6in. 2
Central tendencies, in VICS indices,
Chalabi, Issam Abdulraheem (Iraqi
petroleum minister), 348
Chamberlain, Neville, 255
Chance, role of, 230—31
Change: in level of complexity, 331;
in motivation, 3i2n. i; in trait
score, 207—8, 321-23
Character, 108—13, 290—92, 297, 305
Charismatic leader, 379
Chavez, Hugo, 363
Chiang Ching-kuo, 77
Chiang Kai-shek, 77
Child welfare, 290
Chou En-Lai, 320
Churchill, Winston, 258
Claunch, N. C., 269
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 145,
287-90, 3om. 7
Clinton, Raymond, 286
Clinton, Roger Cassidy, 278-79,
284-85, 301
Clinton, William Jefferson, 6—7,
277-323; ambition of, 293, 297;
anger of, 123; beliefs of, 324—28;
biography of, 115, 120; character
of, 290—92; construction of stories
on, 271-73; early family life of,
277-80; electoral campaigns of,
262, 307, 310, 330; health care
plan of, 296-97, 330, 331;
in-group bias of, 314, 319; integra-
tive complexity of, 328-32; leader-
ship profile of, 313-15, 320-23;

marriage of, 286—90, 295, 302,
3O2n. 8; mother of, 5, 124,
280—86, 300—30in. 2; motivation
of, 306—12, 318—19; openness to
information of, 317—18; opera-
tional code of, 243; psychological
patterns of, 293—300; response to
constraints, 315—16; skills of, 112;
speech habits of, 303-6; strategy
of, 392-93, 399—400; verbal
behavior of, 145
Coders, qualifications of, 269—70
Coding: in-group bias, 201; system
of, 210; VICS, 324. See also Scoring
Cognition, 4, 22, 82, 91, 95—97, 329;
Clinton's style of, 328—32; Hus-
sein's style of, 391—95; manager
model of, 249, 264, 393—95, 406;
research on, 6, 25—29; theory of,
217, 219, 224. See also Beliefs
Commensurability, conceptual, 406
Comparison: of leadership strategy,
404; of paired document, 172; for
scoring motives, 167-70; of time
periods, 321; of trait scores, 204—5
Competitiveness, Clinton's, 298
Compilation of the Messages and Papers of
the Presidents, A, 172
Complexity, 390; of Canadian mem-
bers of Parliament, 252; Clinton's,
314, 317, 329-31; cognitive, 27;
of electoral campaigns, 282; of
leadership, 250-52; of measure-
ment, 267—70; of presidential
speeches, 330; of relationships,
255, 257, 258; state, 249, 251-54;
technical aspects of, 265—70; trait,
249—5 r • $ee a^so Conceptual com-
plexity; Integrative complexity
Comprehensive qualitative case study
evaluation, 5—7
Compulsiveness, 138, 139
Computer program, Profiler, 186
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