Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Soviet Union, 163, 164, 215, 237,
Spain, 76
Spangler, W. D., 159
Speech, 137; habits of, 142, 303—6,
367—70. See also Grammar; Lan-
guage; Verbal categories
Speeches, 45, 50, 324, 330, 387;
rhetoric of, 347, 395; State of the
Union, 310—11; writers of,
174-75, 179, 265
Spontaneity, 179—81, 314, 371 —
Stability: of level of complexity, 331;
of trait score, 321-23, 382
Stalin, Josef, 76, 79
Standardization, 167—68, 1770. 3
Starr, Roger, 3O2n. 8
State complexity, 249, 251—54
Statements, of political leaders,
State of the Union message, 310—11
Steingart, I., 137
Stephanopoulos, George, 332
Stewart, M., 184
Stone, W. F., 71
Stories, construction of, 271—73
Strategy, 226—27, 392 ~95> 399~4°°-
See also International relations
Stress, 139, 140, 260; disruptive,
377-78; effects of, 79-80; Hus-
sein's, 346; response to, 152
Streufert, S., 269
Structural variable, 248
Studies, uses of, 50. See also Research
Subject, in VICS, 224-25
Suedfeld, Peter, 6, 27-28, 65, 255,
445; on cognitive manager, 249;
on complexity, 253, 406; construc-
tion of stories by, 272; on strategy,
Sullivan, A., 121
Sunni tribes, 353

Supreme Court justices, motives of,
Survivor, Hussein as, 349, 358
Suspiciousness, of paranoid personal-
ity, 93
Syria, 205—6, 338

Tactics, 326—28, 404—7; flexibility of,
230—31; intensity of, 227. See also
International relations
Taiwan, 77
Tanzania, 393
Target, 394; nature of audience, 207;
opinion of audience, 262; VICS,
Tartakoff, Helen, 85
Task environment, 254
Task focus, 197—99
Task force, 318, 377, 379, 383. See
also Advisers
Taylor, A. J. P., 2
Teamwork, 87. See also Advisers
Technology, 60-61, 265-70
Temperament, 22. See also Traits
Temporal consistency strategy, 405
Tenure, 207
Terrorism, 61, 409—10. See also Inter-
national relations
Tetlock, Phillip E., 6, 27-28, 65,
255, 260, 445; on complexity,
252, 258, 262, 263, 264, 406; on
strategy, 404
Texts, scoring on, 172
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT),
24* 175
Theory: of character, no—n; choice
of, 106—8; cognitive consistency,
217, 219, 224; cognitive manager,
390; complexity, 246-49, 254,
331; confidence in, 129; and evi-
dence, 113; gap with practice,
400-401, 403; international rela-
tions, 401—2; as level of analysis,
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