Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Versailles Peace Conference, 15
Vietnam, 172
"Vietnam Complex," 351, 411
Vision, Hitler's, 44. See also Motiva-
Volkan, M.,85,86

Walker, L. J., 269, 405, 407
Walker, Stephen G., 4, 6, 405, 445;
on assessment methods, 63, 66,
221—22, 263; construction of sto-
ries by, 271—73; on research,
Wall Street Journal, 286
War: Balkan, 176; disposition
toward, 32-33; leader complexity
in, 255; motives in, 165—66;
Persian Gulf, 249, 345—52,
390—95, 400. See also International
War Crimes Disclosure Act, 39
Warfare, information, 410—11
Washington Post, 180
Watergate transcripts, 141
Watson, G. L., 29, 263
Weapons, 408-10
Wedge, Bryant, 51
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Doc-
uments, 306
Weinstein, E. A., 17, 19
Weintraub, Walter, 6, 32, 65, 404,
445; construction of stories by,
271, 272; on verbal behavior, 137,
138, 147

White Nights (Begin), 58, 76
Whitewater real estate venture,
Wilson, Woodrow, 1-2, 6, I32n. 5;
psychobiography of, 13, 14—19,
40, 108, 161
Winter, David G., 4, 6, 65, 307, 370,
445; construction of stories by,
272; on international crises, 172;
on motives, 159, 161, 162, 164,
165, 168; on Perot, 169; on per-
sonality models, 407; on research,
20, 36
Winter, N.J.G., 165
Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House
(George and George), 15
Woodward, B., 121, 3O2n. 8
Words: coding for task focus, 198; for
coding in-group bias, 201. See also
Verbal categories
Work orientation, 89—90
World News Connection, 179
World political leaders, motives of,
World Trade Center, 409
Wormley, W. P., 166
Woycke,J., 159
Wright, Betsey, 3010. 7, 3O2n. 8
Writers, speech, 174-75, r79>^2 ^5

Young, Michael D., 6, 65, 272, 405,

Zullow, H. M., 29-30
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