Mastering Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

(Romina) #1

Figure 3.45 A converged Hyper-V host configuration with shared NICs for SMB
(RDMA) traffic

Neither Hyper-V Manager nor the LBFO management tools understand SET. To create
a SET configuration, utilize SCVMM 2016 as I discussed earlier, selecting the
Embedded Teaming option or PowerShell. When using PowerShell specify -
EnableEmbeddedTeaming $true with New-VMSwitch, or it is implicitly implied if you pass
New-VMSwitch more than one NIC. For example:

New-VMSwitch -Name TeamedvSwitch -NetAdapterName "NIC 1","NIC 2" `
-EnableEmbeddedTeaming $true
#Same as:
New-VMSwitch -Name TeamedvSwitch -NetAdapterName "NIC 1","NIC 2"

When viewing a SET VMSwitch, the multiple network adapters will appear in its
properties, as shown here:

PS C:> get‐vmswitch ‐Name "Lab Switch Team" | fl

Name : Lab Switch Team
Id : e7980108–8596–4833–9283-d2622a691875
Notes :
Extensions : {Microsoft VMM DHCPv4 Server Switch
Extension, Microsoft Windows Filtering Platform, Microsoft Azure VFP
Switch Extension,
Microsoft NDIS Capture}
BandwidthReservationMode : Weight
PacketDirectEnabled : False
EmbeddedTeamingEnabled : True
IovEnabled : False
SwitchType : External
AllowManagementOS : False
NetAdapterInterfaceDescription : Teamed-Interface
NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions : {Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro Ethernet

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