Posterior meningeal artery
[Plate 17, Mandible]
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Unpaired bone of lower jaw
Largest and strongest bone in face
Articulates with temporal bone at temporomandibular joint
Consists of
Can be divided into lower base and upper alveolar part
Has a mental protuberance anteriorly and inferiorly where two sides come together
Mental spine: rough projection on inner surface of body in the midline
Mental foramen below second premolar transmits terminal branch of inferior alveolar nerve to supply skin and mucus
membrane of lower lip and chin
Mylohyoid line: a ridge extending upward and backward on internal surface of alveolar part of mandible for attachment
mylohyoid muscle
Submandibular fossa: long depression below mylohyoid line, which accommodates submandibular gland
Sublingual fossa: concavities on either side of mental spine for sublingual gland
Lateral vertical projections from body
Each meets body inferiorly at angle of the jaw
Two processes at superior end: coronoid process and condylar process
Coronoid process-attachment of temporalis muscle
Condylar process-part of temporomandibular joint
Mandibular notch-concavity between condylar and coronoid processes
Mandibular foramen
On inner surface of ramus
Entrance to mandibular canal, through which passes the inferior alveolar nerve
Lingula-thin projection of bone overlapping mandibular foramen
Mylohyoid groove-groove leading anteriorly and inferiorly from mandibular foramen indicating course of mylohyoid nerve and