Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-19 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 6, 2007 17:50

1398 Syphilis

Special Considerations
■Pregnancy: PCN is only recommended therapy; if PCN allergic, skin
test and desensitize; consider 4.8 mil U of Benzathine PCN for treat-
ment of patients with early (primary, secondary, early latent) disease
or those with ultrasound findings consistent with fetal syphilis
■HIV: for primary, secondary, and early latent disease, consider addi-
tional doses of benzathine PCN (7.2 mil U total)

Side Effects & Contraindications
■Penicillin: side effects: hypersensitivity reaction, rash, diarrhea, GI
distress; contraindicated in penicillin allergy; pregnancy=B
■Doxycycline/Tetracycline: side effects: GI distress, photosensitivity,
erosive esophagitis; contraindicated in pregnancy (D) and growing

Primary, Secondary, Early Latent
■Re-examine clinically and serologically at 6 and 12 mo (3, 6, 9, 12,
and 24 in HIV+)
■Repeat serology in pregnant women in 3rd trimester and at delivery
■Recommend repeat HIV test and CSF evaluation if. –
➣Signs or symptoms persist
➣Non-treponemal titers fail to decrease four-fold in 6 mo
➣Non-treponemal titers increase four-fold
■Consider CSF evaluation at 6 mo in HIV+patients

Late Latent
■Repeat non-treponemal serologic tests at 6, 12, and 24 mo (re-
evaluate clinically and serologically at 6, 12, 18, and 24 in HIV+)
■Repeat HIV test and evaluate CSF if:
➣Signs or symptoms develop
➣Non-treponemal titers fail to decrease four-fold in 12–24 mo
➣Non-treponemal titers increase four-fold

■If CSF abnormal initially, repeat CSF evaluations every 6 months
■Consider retreatment if:
➣Elevated CSF WBC persists after 6 months
➣CSF is remains abnormal after 2 years
complications and prognosis
■Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction: develops within 24 h of treatment; self-
limited but potentially severe; 50% primary, 90% secondary, and 25%
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