Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 19:6

Anaphylaxis 121

■Skin testing or RAST testing w/ specific allergens
➣Helpful for suspected allergy to foods, some drugs, insects, latex

differential diagnosis
■Vasovagal syncope
■Flushing syndromes (carcinoid)
■Systemic mastocytosis
■Panic attacks
■Angioedema (hereditary, acquired, secondary to ACE inhibitors,
■“Restaurant syndromes” (eg, MSG, sulfites)
■Vocal cord dysfunction syndrome
■Other causes of shock, cardiovascular or respiratory events

What to Do First
■Maintain adequate airway & support blood pressure
➣Administer epinephrine 1:1,000 dilution, IM or SC
➣Repeat every 15 min for 3 doses
➣Add plasma volume expanders if hypotension persists
➣Administer oxygen to maintain O2 saturation
➣Administer diphenhydramine, repeat q4–6h
➣Treat bronchospasm w/ inhaled beta-2 agonist
General Measures
■Consider systemic steroids if initial response is inadequate or reac-
tion is severe
■Monitor for several hours; biphasic reactions may occur after appar-
ent recovery
■Hospitalize pts w/ protracted anaphylaxis unresponsive to therapy

specific therapy
■Identify & teach avoidance of responsible allergen
■Educate in early symptom recognition
■Prescribe epinephrine for self-administration
■Have pt wear a medical alert bracelet
■Make available an antihistamine preparation for injection

■Assess risk factors
➣Hidden allergens
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