Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-22 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:23

Vaginitis 1509

Tinadazole orally once
■Alternatives: Metronidazole gel – much less effective; generally not
■For recurrences: tinadazole, longer courses of Metronidazole
■In pregnancy: Metronidazole after 1st trimester OR Clotrimazole
vaginal tablets

Side Effects & Contraindications
■Clindamycin: side effects: diarrhea, C. difficile colitis, rash, GI
intolerance; caution in pregnancy but no risk with extensive
experience; vaginal cream not recommended in pregnancy because
of increased risk of premature delivery
■Fluconazole: side effects: GI intolerance, rash, diarrhea, eleva-
ted LFTs; drug interactions common (astemizole, calcium chan-
nel blockers, cisapride, coumadin, cyclosporine A, oral hypo-
glycemics, phenytoin, protease inhibitors, tacrolimus, terfenadine,
theophylline, trimetrexate, rifampin); avoid in pregnancy (C)
■Metronidazole: side effects: disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol, GI
distress, headache, metallic taste; pregnancy=B, avoid during 1st
Tinadazole: metallic taste, GI distress, fatigue, avoid in first trimester of
pregnancy (C)
■Topical imidazoles: side effects: local irritation, dyspareunia; avoid
in first trimester

■Generally not necessary if symptoms resolve
■In pregnancy, repeat evaluation in 1 month to document successful

complications and prognosis
➣Cure rate with 7 day Metronidazole therapy 75–90%
➣In early pregnancy, associated with preterm delivery and late
miscarriage; some experts recommend BV screening at begin-
ning of 2nd trimester and treatment of asymptomatic infection
in high-risk women (those with prior preterm delivery)
➣BV associated with PID following invasive procedures (endome-
trial biopsy, IUD placement, dilatation and curettage, hysteros-
alpingography, hysterectomy, cesarean section)
➣Treatment with azole regimen results in 80–90% cure
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