Internal Medicine

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0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:54

Hypothermia 801

■Heated IV fluids (40–43◦C) usually not effective, but helps prevent
further cooling
■Heated GI and bladder irrigation not very effective because of limited
surface area; reserved for patients with cardiovascular collapse
■Peritoneal dialysis with heated (40–45◦C) dialysate effective; leave
fluid in place for 15 min then drain off; raises temperature 2◦C/h;
reserved for patients with cardiovascular collapse
■Open and closed thoracic lavage effective, but invasive; requires two
chest tubes; infuse heated (40–42◦C) normal saline into one and
remove through other
■Hemodialysis useful if IV access and equipment available
■Cardiac arrest requires CPR AND rapid rewarming; defibrillation
not reliable at core temperature <32◦C; defibrillate×1 while patient
hypothermic; if unsuccessful, continue CPR and resuscitation until
patient rewarmed, then attempt defibrillation
■Bretylium IV: only antiarrhythmic drug effective for ventricular fib-
rillation in setting of hypothermia
■Consider antibiotics

Side Effects and Complications
■Active external rewarming may cause peripheral vasodilation and
core temperature drop when cold blood from peripheries returns to
central circulation; can cause acidosis and shock
■In severe hypothermia, rigor mortis, lividity, or fixed dilated pupils
are NOT reliable indicators of death; CPR should NOT be withheld;
delay in instituting CPR in field NOT contraindication to full resus-
■Peritoneal dialysis can result in DIC and intraabdominal hemorrhage
and can exacerbate hypokalemia
■Open and closed thoracic lavage can induce ventricular fibrillation
■Cardiopulmonary bypass can cause bleeding, air embolization,
pulmonary edema, and DIC; third spacing common and requires
aggressive volume replacement

■Avoid procainamide, which increases temperature necessary to
defibrillate successfully and may precipitate ventricular fibrillation
■Avoid pulmonary artery catheterization, which may precipitate ven-
tricular fibrillation
■Avoid Ringer’s lactate solution because cold liver metabolizes lactate
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