Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Common distortions due to weakness include buckling knees during
squats and over-adduction during gait


Joint Action performed by the Hip

  1. Abduction

  2. Horizontal abduction

  3. Internal rotation (during abduction)

Origin: Ilium – External surface (below the origin of the gluteus medius)

For example lifts leg out to the side and turns it inward

Insertion: Femur – Greater trochanter – Anterior surface

Exercises include squats (with tubing around knees emphasizing abduction), lunges, and
lateral lunges

Common distortions due to weakness are buckling knees during squats and over-adduction
during gait


Joint Action performed by the Hip

  1. Abduction

  2. Flexion

  3. Internal rotation

Joint Action performed by the Knee (via iliotibial band)

  1. Assists in extension

For example kicking your leg out to the side

Origin: Ilium – A. Outer lip of crest B. Anterior superior iliac spine

Insertion: Iliotibial band (to lateral condyle of tibia

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