Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Figure 6.19

Variation/Progression: You can vary the dribbling component by i) having them take alternate touches
with the inside then outside of the foot; having them perform a step-over after every three touches; having
them dribble with the weaker leg only; performing a cutback after every 3 touches; or any way you feel

Handshake Push-ups Interspersed with Sequential passing

Divide your players into groups of four and for every group, give each player a different number between
1 and 4. Set up a 20 yards by 20 yards playing area for each group or have all groups working in one half
of the field. Have each group pass and move for 90 seconds (Figure 6.20).

Players should take 2 touches only and they must pass sequentially (1 pass to 2; 2 pass to 3; etc.). After 90
seconds, have your players perform a set of handshake push-ups. When completed, have the groups
continue passing for another 90 seconds and perform a seconds set of push-ups. Continue this cycle for
desired amount of sets or strength exercises (no more than 2 to 3).

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