Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

180-Degree Jumps with Side-Footed Volleys

Category: Standing 180-degree Jump with Long Response

Intensity Level: Intermediate to high

Set-up and Directions: Divide your players into groups of three. Place a hurdle or large cone in the
middle of two players that are standing 10 yards apart, but facing each other. Have the third player stand 6
to 12 inches in front of the hurdle facing one of the two outside players. The players on the outside should
both have a ball in their hands (Figure 7.11a).

Figure 7.11a

When ready, have the middle player jump up and over the barrier behind them, by performing a 180
degree turn while in the air, so that they face the other player upon landing. As soon as they land, they
will receive a tossed ball from the outside player, which they must return with a side-footed volley
(Figures 7.11b and 7.11c).

Immediately after returning the pass, they should ready themselves and perform another 180-degree jump
so that they return to the initial starting position. Upon landing, they again receive a ball from the outside
player which they again return with a side-footed volley. Continue this process until the player has
performed 5 to 6 repetitions and then switch roles.

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