Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Split Squat Jumps with Juggling

Category: Multiple Jumps (in place) with Short Response

Intensity Level: Intermediate to High

Set-up and Directions: Give each player a ball and ensure that they are at least 4 to 5 yards away from
any other player. When ready, have your players get into the down phase of the lunge (right thigh parallel
to the ground and let knee almost touching the ground (Figure 7.12a) and then perform 5 to 6 repetitions
of a split squat jump (Figure 7.12). As soon as your players are finished, have them perform keep-ups for
90 seconds and then have them perform another set of jumps for a total of 2 or 3 sets.

a) b) c)
Figure 7.12

Coaching Points: The players should begin in the down phase of the lunge exercise (Figure 7.12a).
Initiate the jump with a slight countermovement and then jump upwards by explosively extending the
ankles, knees and hips. While in the air, they should switch positions of the legs so that they also land in a
lunge position but with the position of the legs reversed (Figures 7.12b and 7.12c).

This exercise is intended to be a short response activity and therefore the time between landing and
subsequent takeoff should be very short. Emphasize quick and fluid movements between each jump.

Variation: You can vary this exercise by asking your players to use the thigh or the outside and inside of
the foot only when juggling; or by having them use specific body parts in sequence. For example: foot,
then thigh, then head.

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