Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Single Leg Hop with One-touch Passing

Level: Basic

Set up and Instructions: Divide your players into pairs with one ball to use between the two. Instruct
them to stand about 3 yards apart. The player with the ball should have it at their feet. The player without
the ball starts by standing and balancing on one leg. The balancing leg should be slightly bent at the knee
(Figure 3.5a).

Figure 3.5a Figure 3.5b

When ready, direct this player to hop off and land on the balancing leg and hold this position for three
seconds. At this instant they will have a ball passed to their non-balancing leg, which they will return with
one touch (Figure 3.5b). Continue this process until they have completed 8 to 10 hops (followed by one-
touch passes) then switch legs. When finished, have the players switch roles. Perform a total of two sets.

Coaching Points: Ensure the player bends the knee slightly upon landing to absorb the impact.
Additionally, the player should keep the upper-body straight and sway as little as possible while
balancing by keeping the core muscles tight. For the technical element of the drill, ensure that the player
keeps the ankle locked with the toes pointed upwards when making contact with the ball, and that the
follow-through action of the foot is toward their partner.

Variation: The exercise can be varied by changing the technical action to heading or side-footed volleys.

Progression: The level of difficulty for this exercise can be increased by hoping forwards and backwards
over a mini hurdle or by giving the player a bounced pass.

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